Walker, Kevin and Schmid, Helga ?From artificial temporalities to temporal wisdom“, Handbook of Anthropology and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Leonardo Journal (expected publishing date: September 2025)
Schmid, Helga and Walker, Kevin (2021) ?The Atemporal Event“, Journal of Artistic Research 25.
Schmid, Helga (2020) ?Anti-clockwise: Building a Critical Mass Against Clock Time“, Art & the Public Sphere 9 (1+2): 39-61.
?Zeitgeber in der Zeitkrise. ?berlegungen zu einer alternativen Wahrnehmung von Zeit“ In Mareis, Claudia; Blümle, Claudia; Windg?tter, Christof (ed.): Visuelle Zeitgestaltung, Bildwelten des WissensBerlin: De Gruyter.
Schmid, Helga (2020). ?Designing Temporal Systems. An Essay on Sychnchronisation Processes and Alternative Time.“ In: Sabine Foraita/Bianca Herlo/Axel Vogelsang (Eds.), Matters of Communication – Formen and Materialit?ten gestalteter Kommunikation (234-242). Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. Schmid, Helga (2019).
Schmid, Helga (2018) ?Embodiment of Space.“ In: Brooker, Graeme; Harriss, Harriet; Walker, Kevin (ed.): Interior Futures, Yountville: Crucible Press.
Schmid, Helga (2018) ?Utopia and Uchronia A New Experimental Approach in Thinking about Time.“ In Erlhoff, Michael; Jonas, Wolfgang (ed.): Board of International Research in Design @ New Experimental Research in Design (BIRD @ NERD), Braunschweig, 15.-16. June 2017. Basel: Birkh?user Verlag
?Embodiment of Time“ In: Boradhurst, Susan; Price, Sara (ed.) Digital Bodies: Creativity and Technology in the Arts and Humanities. Palgrave Macmillan UK.