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Further Education and Study While Working

In a rapidly changing world of work, lifelong learning is of great importance in order to expand your professional opportunities in a targeted manner and to develop personally. Benefit from recognised and certified continuing education programmes and courses of study as well as the professional expertise of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Bring your skills up to date. We support you in realising your individual learning goals.

29 years
Seminar days per year
Participants per year
> 98 %
Recommendation rate

These are your advantages

Our lecturers are renowned professors and experts with profound practical experience – and professionals in their subject areas.

The course contents are geared to your requirements and are explained in an understandable way

The focus is on the application in practice – with case studies, practical elements and, above all, the application of the contents taught.

High value of the certificates awarded by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Study in small groups: Learning success and individual learning development are ensured by a compact group size

We accompany you: benefit from personal contact persons and individual support

Study Social Management – Register now!

We offer the option of flexible learning: instead of the complete degree programme, you can take modules individually and complete them with a certificate of attendance or university certificate - so that you can tailor your qualification requirements to what is important to you at the time.

Would you like to complete the entire degree programme later? No problem, because we can recognise your academic achievements.

Registration & Information

Kinderbetreuung Kita Management Weiterbildung

Kita Management – Register now!

You will learn how to successfully manage a day care centre and which professional skills are required for this in our in-service training kita management. The further education programme will start for the 18th time at the end of November 2024.

The programme is aimed at daycare centre managers as well as educators who aspire to a management position. Participants acquire a scientifically sound, up-to-date and, in particular, application-oriented professional qualification for the management of day care centres or comparable facilities. Under the academic direction of Prof. Dr. Claus Richter and the social and educational sciences department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the further education can (but does not have to) be completed with a university certificate.

Register now, the registration deadline has been extended to 30/09/2024.

Registration & Information

H?nde und Figuren erkl?ren eine Aufstellung

Systemic Constellations – Register now!

For the eighth time, the certificate course "Systemic Constellations" will start in September 2024 under the academic direction of Dr. Andrea Berreth.

The practice-oriented and in-service training is aimed at people who are familiar with systemic ways of thinking and now want to professionalise their existing knowledge or experience. The further education can be completed with a university certificate.

Further information and registration


More events
Further Education Info Event
12/09/2024, 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm
Zielgruppe: University members, Public
Location: Online
Further Education Info Event
25/09/2024, 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm
Zielgruppe: University members, Public
Location: Online


More news
Profilbild von Mann in grauem Blazer
Further Education
Further education


From Theory to Practice: Organisational Development and Financing in Compact Form

In September 2024, the CAS further education course "Organisational Development and Financing Compact" will start again. Ale? Janou?ek completed the course as a module as part of the degree programme Social Management at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. In this interview, he talks about…

Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf mit Teilnehmer*innen der Weiterbildung "Aktionszentriertes Coaching" auf dem Campus der FHP
Further Education
Further education


Action-centred Coaching: Focus on Action

The "Action-centred Coaching" training course starts in November 2024. In this interview, Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf explains how scenic and playful methods in coaching help to discover alternative courses of action and break down rigid patterns. Find out which target groups are addressed, which…

Frau lehnt gegen offenes Fenster
Further Education
Further education


Holistic Coaching: Systemic Approaches in Health Management

Katja Sch?nitz, an expert in occupational health management, knows the tools and strategies that companies need to create a positive working environment. In July 2024, she will complete the certificate course for systemic constellations and shares in an interview which holistic approaches she has…

Zwei H?nde schreiben in einem Notizbuch
Further Education
Further education

Press release

From autumn 2024: Further training in action-centred coaching

In cooperation between the Department of Social and Educational Sciences and the Centre for Continuing Education (ZEW) at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, a new part-time coaching course will start in November 2024. Action-centred coaching, based on a humanistic world view and methods from…

  • ZEW auf einem Blick

    Zentrale Einrichtung Weiterbildung (ZEW)

    Gem?? ihren gesetzlichen Aufgaben führt die Fachhochschule Potsdam in Erg?nzung zu ihren grundst?ndigen Studieng?ngen bob体育平台官网 der wissen?schaftlichen Weiterbildung durch. Weiterbildung ist ein relevanter Baustein im lebens?begleitenden Lernen und geh?rt zum festen Bildungsangebot unserer anwendungs- und forschungsorientierten Hochschule.


  • Person mit Rucksack am Gleis Zug Deutsche Bahn

    Your special conditions with Deutsche Bahn

    Thanks to the cooperation between ZEW and Deutsche Bahn, travel to and from further education courses is comfortable, environmentally friendly, flexible and inexpensive.

    DB event ticket

  • Studierende sitzen vor der Mensa in der Sonne

    Eating & drinking on campus

    The canteen in the main building offers a variety of meals, snacks and drinks at reasonable prices from Monday to Friday. Coffee and other drinks are also available in the casino in building 17. There are also several bakeries, snack bars and restaurants around the university.


  • Keyvisual der Landingpage "Fachhochschule Potsdam – Ein Ort für Familien"

    Family places on the FHP campus

    Lots of little family places for parents and children, to be found on our well-being plan.

    Family locations

  • Computer-Arbeitspl?tze in der Bibliothek


    The main building houses the academic library of the University of Applied Sciences with extensive analogue and digital offerings for all departments. Numerous (computer) workstations are available for your use.


The further education unit team

ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10
Mustafa Turna
Head of the Further Education Unit (ZEW)
Beatrice Jurth, M.A.
Coordination of the Further Education Unit (ZEW)
Anna Scheller
Coordination & Organisation ZEW
Stephanie Teichler
Coordination ZEW & Project Recognition and Crediting
Fedor Zatchinaev
Coordination & Organisation ZEW

Student employees

Maximiliane Kirchner

Julia Spehr

Martin Meretz