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Anti-Discrimination Officer of the FH Potsdam

With the position paper for diversity and tolerance, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam affirms its understanding as a discrimination-sensitive university. With the aim of being an inclusive and democratic place for all, the FH Potsdam welcomes diversity and works towards the prevention and elimination of discrimination.

Fields of activity & tasks

Anti-Discrimination Officers at universities are actively involved in preventing and eliminating discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age, social status or social background, sexual identity or on racial grounds. Important: Anti-Discrimination Officers are contact persons in matters of discrimination for all members of the university.

The central tasks of the anti-discrimination officers are

  • Confidential counselling in the event of experiences of discrimination
  • Assistance and support with complaints of discrimination
  • Confidential receipt of reports of discrimination
  • Planning programmes and events to raise awareness and prevent discrimination
  • Anonymous documentation of cases of discrimination
  • Reporting to the university senate
  • Co-operation with other university representatives

How to: Report discrimination

All reports received by the Anti-Discrimination Officer are taken and processed first. Receipt of reports of discrimination and counselling on experiences of discrimination are confidential. Information is not passed on to third parties and possible further steps are always agreed.

You can contact the Anti-Discrimination Officer in various ways. Write an informal e-mail, call or speak to Franziska Geib on campus. You will find the contact details at the bottom of this website. If you wish, the next step is to arrange a confidential counselling session, which will focus on your perspective. Further steps can then be planned and agreed together.

If you observe discrimination on the FHP campus, you can also report it. If no concrete steps can be taken in individual cases, it is nevertheless important to document any accumulations of incidents.

If you see flyers, stickers or similar with anti-constitutional or illegal content and symbols on and around the campus, please document them with photos, location and time of sighting, as long as this does not jeopardise your safety.

Preparing a memory log can be helpful for counselling or in later proceedings!


Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

Room 128
Prof. Dr. phil. Franziska Geib
Professor for inclusive work with people with disabilities and for diversity