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Publications of the National Agency

The publications of the state office can be obtained from the office of the Brandenburg State Archives:


Baumann, Carolin; Kober, Steffen: Personenbezogene Unterlagen im Archiv. Beitr?ge zu Melde- und Personenstandsunterlagen (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 19). Potsdam 2013. 164 p. ISBN 978-3-9814929-0-3.
10,00 Euro plus shipping, no longer available.

Dealing with personal archival records is part of the daily work of archives. Nevertheless, fundamental problems arise again and again in daily practice that require legal clarification and professional discussion. Personal records in archives also received a new quality with the amendment of the Civil Status Act, according to which civil status registers and the associated files have also been offered to the responsible archives since 2009. The current problems of the municipal archives also include the handling of registration data after the legal deletion periods have expired.
This volume is dedicated to these two groups of records, which are typical for personal records in municipal archives. On the one hand, it deals with questions of the administrative history of registration records and the history of their preservation, and on the other hand with problems of dealing with civil status registers according to data protection law.
With their intensive study of historical legal sources and special forms of preservation, the two contributions united here do important groundwork and form a solid basis for anyone who wants to deal more intensively with registration and civil status records.

Glauert, Mario; Walberg, Hartwig (eds.): Archivmanagement in der Praxis (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 9). Potsdam 2011. 278 p. ISBN 978-3-9810642-9-2.
10,00 Euro plus shipping.

Business management methods are increasingly shaping the administration and daily work of archives and information institutions, which must systematically deal with the (super)vital issues of personnel and resource planning, goal and strategy development, project management and service marketing.
The successful and efficient operation of an archive thus increasingly requires strategic and operative management thinking in planning, organisation and control, in addition to archival expertise. Archive management thus becomes a necessary complement to classical archive management theory and practical archival studies, in short: what is also needed in archives today.
This handout is aimed at both small and large archives and combines introductions to the basics with field-tested case studies from various fields of management of and in archives. A concise overview of the everyday management work of today's archives.

Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken im Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchiv (Hg.): Demografischer Wandel. Auswirkungen und Gestaltungsm?glichkeiten für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 5). Potsdam 2008. 64 p. ISBN 978-3-9810642-3-0.
Free distribution.

This volume brings together the contributions to an event organised by the Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken im Brandenburgischen Landeshauptarchiv (State Office for Archives and Public Libraries at the Brandenburg State Archives) on 14 November 2007 under the title "Demographic Change - Effects and Possibilities for Archives and Public Libraries" at the Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preu?ischen Geschichte in Potsdam.The introductory contribution provides a basic introduction to the topic. The following essays provide methodological advice for analysing the current and future situation on site, encourage active engagement with the problem and the development of concepts. They point out corresponding fields of action for archives and public libraries in view of the current and expected demographic changes. The publication proves that public libraries and archives can make a contribution to solving the pressing social challenges associated with demographic change.

Gutsch, Susann: Web 2.0 in Archiven. Hinweise für die Praxis (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 8). Potsdam 2010. 140 p. ISBN 978-3-9810642-7-8.
10,00 Euro plus shipping, no longer available.

Wikis, blogs, photo platforms, the use of social networks and other elements of Web 2.0 are increasingly shaping the habits and desires of Internet users and will also profoundly change public expectations of archives. Susann Gutsch's book provides the first broad overview in German of the theory and practice of Web 2.0 applications for archives. In addition to overarching elements such as tags, social bookmarking and RSS, blogs, wikis, photo sharing and social networks are explained in simple terms and illustrated with practical examples. Technical terms are explained throughout, topics and results are repeatedly summarised in a concise manner. The reader receives concrete instructions for practical implementation and inspiring tips to try out for himself.
A practical introduction to the current discussion on the topic of archives and Web 2.0, even for small archives.

Vette, Christian: Handbuch zur technischen Erstellung einer Publikation (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 7). Potsdam 2010. ISBN 978-3-9810642-6-1. 52 p.
5,00 Euro plus postage.

The handbook describes in simple, understandable steps how to compose text with the common word processing programmes Word and OpenOffice. The aim is to provide (prospective) authors with a guide for the technical creation of their (local) chronicle and to produce a print-ready PDF file for publishers and printers - and, if desired, with completely free software.

Bl??, Wolfgang: Brandenburgische Kreise und Gemeinden 1945 - 1952. Grenz?nderungen, Eingemeindungen und Ausgemeindungen (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 6). Potsdam 2010. 187 p. ISBN 978-3-9810642-5-5.
10,00 Euro plus shipping.

The term boundary changes sounds harmless at first, one thinks of an administrative process. However, border demarcation is not an isolated event, but is embedded in more comprehensive processes, it leads into the middle of debates about the scope and existence of the respective demarcated political units, i.e. the municipalities, the districts and the state, into discussions about state and structural planning and the decisive criteria of their goals, and finally into disputes about the decision-making powers of the various political levels. As the author's analysis shows, the subject belongs to and is a weighty part of the radical transformation of German society in the states of the Soviet occupation zone.
This reference work summarises research results on the changes of district boundaries as well as on the changes of municipal boundaries or municipal districts in Brandenburg in the period between the end of the Second World War and the administrative reform of 1952, with the emphasis clearly on the latter with the incorporations and extra-municipalities. For quick orientation, the results are first presented in tables in the form of overviews and headwords and then, according to their structure, in detail in many individual articles. This preparation of the material serves in particular to provide the regional and local researcher with a concentrated presentation of the knowledge gained for his or her district or primarily for his or her locality. The use of the book for this purpose is made much easier by the extensive index of places with its identification aids.

Scholz, Michael (Hg.): Archivberatung und -pflege (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 4. Zugleich Ver?ffentlichungen des Landesverbandes Brandenburg des Verbandes deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivare e. V. 3). Potsdam 2008. 164 p. ISBN 978-3-9810642-2-3.
10,00 Euro plus shipping.

Archival counselling and archival care generally refer to the archival care of non-governmental archives, among which the municipal archives are particularly important due to their number and holdings. The manner in which and the objective with which the associated problems are tackled and attempted to be solved depends to a large extent on the respective archive organisation and, moreover, on the respective constitutional and administrative order, as the German history of the 20th century forcefully teaches.
With effect from 1 January 2001, the state of Brandenburg established a state office for archives and public libraries in the Brandenburg State Archives, in which the expert advice of non-governmental archives and public libraries was brought together in one hand. After five years of experience with this form of organisation, which is unique in Germany, the Brandenburg branch of the VdA made archival counselling and archival care the main topic of the 9th Brandenburg Archive Day in Cottbus on 30/31 March 2006, with the intention of reassuring itself of the basic features, aims and results of its work and at the same time to place it in a larger historical and factual context. The present anthology is the result of lectures held in Cottbus and supplementary contributions.

Reimann, Norbert; Schaper, Uwe; Scholz, Michael (Hg.): Sammlungen in Archiven (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 3). Potsdam 2006. 230 p. Abb. ISBN 978-3-9810642-1-6.
10,00 Euro plus postage.

Municipal archives have always had their documentation mandate not primarily or even exclusively related to the administration of the city, municipality or district, but rather focused on the respective territorial authority as a whole. All essential expressions of life from politics, society, culture and economy are to be observed by a municipal archive to see whether they produce evidence that is of importance for a comprehensive documentation of local contemporary events.
In contrast to official records, which the archives acquire ex officio, non-official documentary material usually has to be actively acquired. However, not only the acquisition of the collection, but also its organisation, indexing and utilisation, including its legal handling, pose special professional problems that directly affect every municipal archivist.
This volume contains the lectures of the 14th advanced training seminar of the Federal Conference of Municipal Archives at the German Association of Cities and Towns (BKK), which took place in Potsdam from 18 to 20 October 2005, as well as two supplementary contributions. Their results are not only of interest to municipal archives, but also to archives of other branches that deal with collections in their practical work.

F?rderung von Lesef?higkeit und Medienkompetenz. Kooperation von ?ffentlichen Bibliotheken mit Schulen und Kindertagesst?tten im Land Brandenburg (Ver?ffentlichungen der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 2). Potsdam 2005. 77 p. ISBN 978-3-9810642-0-9.
Free distribution.

Various national and international studies have found clear reading deficits among children and young people. In order to counter this trend successfully, all those involved in the educational process must work more closely together. This also raises public awareness of the possibilities of public libraries to promote language and reading and to develop media and information literacy. As a result of the cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the State of Brandenburg and the German Library Association (Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e. V. Landesverband Brandenburg), public libraries, schools and day care centres are developing an increasingly close partnership. This publication presents the corresponding offers of the public libraries of Brandenburg, describes concrete possibilities of cooperation with schools and day care centres for children and shows the first results. A sample agreement, criteria for library introductions, contact persons and literature references underline the handbook character of the publication, which aims to be a companion and guide for all initiatives to implement the cooperation agreement.

Glauert, Mario; Ruhnau, Sabine (Hg.): Verwahren, Sichern, Erhalten. Handreichungen zur Bestandserhaltung in Archiven. (Ver?ffentlichungen der Brandenburgischen Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken 1. Zugleich Ver?ffentlichungen des Landesverbandes Brandenburg des Verbandes deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivare e.V. 2). Potsdam 2005. 348 p.
10,00 Euro plus shipping, no longer available.

The preservation of archival holdings encompasses almost all areas of the daily handling of archival materials. It begins with an appropriate choice of location for the archive and the structural design of its magazines, and ranges from the problems of storage and packaging of different types of archival materials, to questions of climate control and mould prevention, to measures of emergency precautions, the production of protective media, mass conservation and restoration. This volume brings together lectures given at the 7th Brandenburg Archive Day 2004 in Frankfurt (Oder) on the topic of preserving endangered archive holdings, as well as handouts on preserving holdings, which were produced in the course of the archival advisory service provided by the State Office for Archives and Public Libraries at the Brandenburg State Archives. The authors want to provide archives, libraries, museums, cultural administrations, archive users and all other interested citizens with concise overviews of topics and practical tips for central problem areas of archival preservation.

From the contents:
Introduction Tasks and functional areas of an archive (Sabine Ruhnau); Requirements for an archival repository (Mario Glauert); Climate measurement and climate control (Mario Glauert); Recommendations for protection against mould (Mario Glauert); Storage and care of photographic materials (Carola Gerlach); Regional and local preservation of audiovisual media (Stefan G??ck); Fundraising for archivists (Heidi Trzenschik); Specifications for filming and scanning archival materials (Martin Luchterhandt); Technical standards and instructions for micrographic backup filming (Klaus Etzenberger); Specifications for mass deacidification of archival materials (Rainer Hofmann); Review: The flood and its consequences (Barbara Keimer); Emergency preparedness in archives (Rickmer Kie?ling).

Text appendices:
Report of the Federal-L?nder Working Group on Paper Decay of 15.6.1992; Recommendations of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs on the Preservation of Archival Holdings Threatened by Paper Decay of 17.2.1995; Technical Instructions for the Implementation of Backup Filming of Archival Materials; Technical Rule for Biological Agents 240: Protective Measures for Activities with Microbially Contaminated Archival Materials.

Bernitt, Martina (editor): Leitbild der ?ffentlichen Bibliotheken im Land Brandenburg. Potsdam 2004. 16 p.
no longer available