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Moodle Question Types of the Activity "Test"

As a lecturer, you will learn about different question types in the "Test" activity in Moodle. The question types are mainly used for written exams. However, they can also be used for formative assessment and exercises. Click on the images and videos under the question types to get a first impression of the function.

Standard question types

Moodle offers an extensive range of question types. However, it is usually sufficient to familiarise yourself with the "multiple choice" question type to get started. You can use this to design an online exam.

Brief description:

Multiple-choice and single-choice questions

Question type "Multiple choice":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the "Multiple choice" question type

Brief description:

Single-choice question with the choice between "True" and "False"

Question type "True/False":

Level of difficultyEasy
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "True/False"

Text-based question types

For text-based question types, a word, word groups or longer text can be typed into a field as an answer.

Short description:

  • Short answer in one line via text input
  • Multiple answers can be marked as correct
  • The evaluation can be activated or deactivated for upper and lower case letters

Question type "Short answer":

Level of difficultyeasy
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionstext
VariablesYes, textual deviations from the correct answer are possible.
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the "short answer" question type

Short description:

  • Enter free text as an answer in a larger field
  • Free text can be supplemented as an answer with various media such as images, audio files and videos
  • Free text can be supplemented with links and mathematical formulae as an answer (TeX)
  • Free text also makes it possible to set more complex and customised tasks. However, the evaluation is not automatic. If the examination has the format of an open-book exam or a module paper, we recommend using the "Submission" activity in Moodle instead of the "Test" activity. Text documents and presentations with a larger scope can be uploaded there.
  • It is possible to attach a file to a free text for submission. However, the files must be downloaded separately and individually. In addition, the attached file is not included in the backup of the exam with the Quiz Archiver. It is recommended to use the Submission activity instead.

Profile question type "Essay":

Level of difficultyEasy
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, equation (with TeX)
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the "Essay" question type

Matching question types for words and word groups

With matching question types, predefined words or groups of words can be assigned to a question or category. In addition, given words or word groups can be sorted into the correct order.

Short description:

  • Question text to which an element can be assigned via drop-down list
  • Multiple question texts can be assigned to each other

Question type "Matching":

Level of difficultySimple
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with motor or physical disabilities

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Matching"

Short description:

  • Question text to which an element can be assigned via drop-down list
  • Several question texts can be assigned to each other
  • The question texts are automatically selected at random from a collection of questions
  • Question type is similar to the "Matching" question type, with the difference of the randomised question collection

Profile question type "Random short answer matching":

Level of difficultyEasy
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Random short answer matching"

Short description:

  • Text strips are automatically displayed in random order one below the other
  • Text strips can be arranged in a correct order

Question type "Arrangement":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with visual impairments, motor or physical disabilities.

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the "Arrangement" question type

Matching and marking question types for cloze texts

Matching and marking question types for cloze texts are suitable for multi-line, coherent text sections. Here, predefined words or word groups can be selected and added to a cloze text. Individual letters, words or word groups in a text can be highlighted.

Short description:

  • Cloze text with missing words
  • Missing words can be selected from the drop-down list
  • It is recommended to use the "Extended cloze text" question type instead of the "Cloze text selection" question type. "Extended cloze text" also offers the option to create cloze texts with drop-down lists. However, the user interface for creating the question is more intuitive.

Profile question type "Cloze selection":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with motor or physical disabilities

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Cloze text selection"

Short description:

  • Cloze text with missing words
  • Missing words can be dragged and dropped into the cloze text
  • In an extended version, different cloze text categories can be created. The text elements to be moved can then only be moved into a gap that also corresponds to the category and form of the item.
  • Simple drag-and-drop tasks can also be created with the "Extended cloze text" question type. The user interface for the creation is more intuitive than with "Drag-and-drop on text". However, the text elements to be moved are slightly smaller and arranged at the top with "Extended cloze text". The variant with the different categories is also missing.

Profile question type "Drag-and-drop on text":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with visual impairments.

For leturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Drag-and-drop on text"

Short description:

  • Cloze text with missing words
  • There are three ways in which the missing words can be added:
    1) via drop-down list,
    2) by dragging and dropping the words into the gap
    3) via gapfill
  • "Extended gapfill" offers both drop-down lists like the "gapfill selection" question type and drop-down lists like the "drag-and-drop on text" question type. The user interface for creating questions is more intuitive than for the other question types. Only one variant can be used at a time, either drag-and-drop or drop-down list.

Profile question type "Extended cloze text":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with motor or physical disabilities

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Extended cloze text"

Short description:

  • Cloze text that combines different question types
  • The missing words can be answered in the cloze text with different variants:
    1) Enter text in the gap
    2) Click on multiple choice
    3) Select from a drop-down list
  • HTML knowledge is required to create the question

Profile question type "Cloze":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with motor or physical disabilities

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Cloze"

Short description:

Mark letters or words in a paragraph of text

Question type "Marking words":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsPreset
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with visual impairments, motor or physical disabilities.

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the "Mark words" question type

Matching question types for images and text

Short description:

Small images or word cards are dragged and dropped into a predefined area on a larger image.

Question type "Drag-and-drop on picture":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulas (with TeX) + additional images can be included in the answer options
Media types in answer optionsDefault
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with visual impairments, motor or physical disabilities.

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Drag-and-drop on image"

Short description:

Small images or word cards are dragged and dropped into a larger predefined field area on a larger image.

Question type "Drag-and-drop on marker":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulas (with TeX) + additional images can be included in the answer options
Media types in answer optionsDefault
AccessibilityNot accessible for people with visual impairments, motor or physical limitations.

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Drag-and-drop on marker"

Mathematical question types

Short description:

  • Enter a number in a text field
  • Tolerance ranges can be set for numerical answers that are still rated as correct
  • Optionally, units of measurement can also be specified, with two variants:
    1) Enter number and unit of measurement in cloze text
    2) Enter number in cloze text and select unit of measurement via single choice and radio button

Question type "Numerical":

Level of difficultyEasy
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsText
Mathematical formulae in answer options (TeX)No
Mathematical variables in answers (TeX)Yes, one formula, different variations
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the "Numerical" question type

Short description:

  • Enter a number in a text field
  • Variables can be stored for the numbers. The variables are created from data records. This can be done at different levels: The creation of common data records is not easy. Therefore, the question type should only be used if you have in-depth knowledge of question collections and data sets in Moodle.
  • Tolerance ranges can be set for numerical answers that are still assessed as correct.
  • Optionally, units of measurement can also be specified, with two variants:
    1) Enter number and unit of measurement in cloze text
    2) Enter number in cloze text and select unit of measurement via single choice and radio button.
  • Similar to the "Numerical" question type, with the difference that variables can be used. If no variables are required, it is advisable to use the "Numerical" question type.
  • Similar to question type "Simply calculated". It is recommended that the "Simply calculated" question type is preferred. Simply calculated" can also be used to create variables, but these are limited to one question. The use of data sets is not necessary.

Fact sheet question type "Calculated":

Level of difficultySimple
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsText
Mathematical formulae in answer options (TeX)Yes
Mathematical variables in answers (TeX)Yes, one formula, different variations
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the "Calculated" question type

Short description:

  • Enter a number in a text field
  • Tolerance ranges can be set for numerical answers that are still rated as correct
  • Optionally, units of measurement can also be specified with two variants:
    1) Enter number and unit of measurement in cloze text
    2) Enter number in cloze text and select unit of measurement via single choice and radio button
  • Similar to the "Numerical" question type, with the difference that variables can be used. If no variables are required, it is advisable to use the "Numerical" question type.
  • Similar to the "Calculated" question type with variables, with the difference that the variables only relate to the individual question item. Preferably use "Calculated simple". The settings here are simpler than for the "Calculated" question type.

Profile of the "Calculated simple" question type:

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsText
Mathematical formulae in answer options (TeX)Yes
Mathematical variables in answers (TeX)Yes, one formula, different variations
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Calculated simple"

Brief description:

  • Multiple-choice or single-choice questions on mathematical formulae. The correct calculation method must be selected for a solution. Variables from a predefined range can be used for the numerical values.
  • Tolerance ranges can be set for numerical answers that are still assessed as correct.

Question type "Calculated multiple choice":

Level of difficultyComplex
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsGiven
Mathematical formulae in answer options (TeX)Yes
Mathematical variables in answers (TeX)Yes, one formula, different variations
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Calculated multiple choice"


Short description:

  • Is not a question type
  • Intermediate pages for additional information

Profile question type "Description":

Level of difficultyEasy
EvaluationNo evaluation
Media types in the task textText, link, image, video, audio, H5P, mathematical formulae (with TeX)
Media types in answer optionsNone
AccessibilityLargely barrier-free

For lecturers: Step-by-step instructions for creating the question type "Description"

Hinweis zur Verwaltung von Fragensammlungen

For each question type, you will find information on whether it is a standard Moodle question type or an external plugin. You will also find out on which Moodle instances the plugin is available. Please take this information into account, especially if you are planning online exams. This is because external plugins can regularly cause problems. For an online exam, you should therefore use Moodle's standard question types.

We also recommend that you mark external question types separately in the question pool, e.g. by using a category or tag. This is because Moodle only allows the import of an entire question pool. As soon as there is a problem with a question type or even just one question, question collections can no longer be imported. If you mark the external question types separately, you can more easily filter them out during export.

We also recommend that teachers always maintain the question bank in the development area on the Moodle exam instance. The export should always be done from Exam and imported into the Moodle teaching instance eCampus. Otherwise, there may be problems if you later want to use questions that you have developed in eCampus for online exams in Exam.

OER material

The materials for the question types can be used as Open Educational Resources (OER). You will also find an overview table of all question types here. You can also use the list to plan your own exam design.

You can download the materials for the Moodle question types here . Please provide the following credit when using the materials:

Licence: CCBY-SA 4.0, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Moodle question types, Julia Lee (concept and text); Charlotte Warkentin (tasks, screenshots and short videos), Moodle interface: GNU General Public License

Overview of all symbols for question types in the Moodle activity tests at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.



Studies and Teaching Unit
Head of the student e-learning team