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The Universe of the Design Department

The first students of the design department started in 1992 in the Communication Design programme and in 1993 in the Product Design programme. In the winter semester of 2000, the first students of the European Media Studies programme came to the university. In the winter semester 2003/04, the Interfacedesign degree programme was opened. In the summer semester of 2003, the Department of Design introduced the Master's programme in Product, Communication and Interface Design.
The open structure of the department offers scope and points of contact for expansion and cooperation in almost all design-relevant and related fields.

Wendeltreppe in Haus D

The Design House

The domicile of the design department is the so-called Annex I on the campus of University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The building was developed particularly with sustainability in mind. The building contains a lecture hall, seminar rooms as well as workshops and drawing studios and a spacious foyer that can be used as a gallery. In addition to the design department, the building is also used by the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE department.

Abstrakte Grafik

Infotag Design

Am Infotag des Fachbereichs Design erhalten Sie wichtige Informationen zum Studium und zur Eignungsprüfung für die Bachelor-Studieng?nge Interfacedesign, Kommunikationsdesign und Produktdesign, k?nnen Fragen stellen und Lehrende kennenlernen.

Au?erdem findet eine Mappenberatung in Hinblick auf die künstlerisch-gestalterische Eignungsprüfung, die zur Aufnahme in das Studium verpflichtend ist, statt. Auch wenn noch keine Mappe vorliegt, k?nnen Sie an der Beratung teilnehmen und wertvolle Tipps und Ratschl?ge von Professor*innen einholen.

Vor dem Infotag k?nnen Sie sich auf den Seiten der Bachelorstudieng?nge über die Anforderungen an Mappen sowie die Eignungsprüfung bereits informieren. Z?gern Sie jedoch nicht, konkrete Fragen und Anliegen zum Infotag mitzubringen!


Many projects emerge within the design department, some of which later become self-organised initiatives, such as the Campus Ambulance, or independent platforms that reach far beyond the department, such as the communication platform Incom.

Campus Ambulance

The Campus Ambulance is a student initiative. Its main task is to ensure that applicants for a Bachelor's or Master's degree at the design department feel welcome on the campus of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in the run-up to and during the qualifying examination days. On its website, the Campus Ambulance offers all applicants information about the application process.


The Incom communication platform is an in-house development of the design department. It is used to organise the individual seminars and teaching projects of the department. Students also have the opportunity to publish their projects here. In this sense, Incom is based on a community model and on successful Web 2.0 concepts such as blogs, wikis or tagging. Students and teachers have equal rights in the system and form small working groups that correspond to the courses offered. Incom thus accompanies teaching in design courses by continuing the real teaching conditions in the digital space.


The fluid showcase of the design department offers an experimental approach to the design department.


The WERKSCHAU is our student-run annual exhibition at the design department. Here, students from the degree programmes European Media Studies, Interface Design, Communication Design, Product Design and the Master in Design have the opportunity to present their work and projects from the past two semesters. With its diverse programme, the WERKSCHAU is aimed at everyone who is interested in design and innovation, wants to be inspired or is simply curious. Admission is free of charge.

Interaction Design Lab

The Interaction Design Lab (IDL) is the research facility of the Bachelor's degree programme in Interface Design. It is one of the contact points in the design area at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for cooperation between education, research and development. Multidisciplinary projects are developed in the IDL.

Urban Complexity Lab

The Urban Complexity Lab (UCLAB) is an interdisciplinary research group for data visualisation at the interface between design, computer science and the humanities.

Podcast Design;30

The podcast with five episodes was created as part of the 30th anniversary of the Department of Design in October 2022. In each episode, professors from the department look back on the past years and venture a glimpse into the future.