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Career Opportunities for Cultural Workers

Career opportunities arise in the public cultural sector, with independent organisations, in the cultural industry as well as as self-employment in the fields of project development, cultural mediation, management in cultural institutions and projects, media work, politics, education and marketing: Project development, cultural mediation, management in cultural institutions and projects, media work, politics and education, marketing.

Seminar: Culture as Business - From Precarious to Profitable

As part of the seminar "Culture as a business - from precarious to profitable", students in the 6th and 7th semesters deal with the question of the job profile of cultural work every year. In this way, products on the topic are created again and again, of which the interesting ones are presented here.

how to get a job: the application guide for cultural workers (June 2019)

Students in the 7th semester of arts management and cultural Work have thought about how to get their dream job at home or abroad after graduation. From the analysis of acquired skills to the development of a correct and original application letter and tips for the job interview, the five students have developed an application guide that invites you to try it out.


Within the framework of "Culture as Business" and under the sponsorship of the "Facetten der bob体育平台官网 e.V.", arts management and cultural work students have created a digital atlas that shows which companies and in which functions graduates of the cultural work degree programme are employed.

Culture as business (January 2015)

In the brochure "Culture as business", students have compiled information in English about international Master's degree programmes, opportunities for starting a business abroad, as well as funding opportunities from the European Union.

Done - what now? (January 2014)

Have you successfully completed your Bachelor's degree and are looking for ideas for your future career? Students of cultural work have written a guide for graduates of cultural work. In the brochure, they weigh up the pros and cons of a Master's degree and provide helpful hints and links for decision-making.

What do cultural workers do after graduation?

Retention study on the career entry and development of cultural workers

As part of her research semester, Prof. Dr Helene Kleine, professor in the arts management and cultural work degree programme, teaching area "Cultural and Social Change", interviewed cultural workers who graduated between 2014 and 2018 about their career entry and career path.

You can read the results in the retention study.