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Executive Board

The members of the president's council and the deans of all departments form the executive board. They meet monthly and are not open to the public.


In order to support the president in the fulfilment of her legal duties, an executive board with an advisory and coordinating function is formed in accordance with § 16 of the basic regulations of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. It advises and supports the President, among other things, in the preparation of concepts for the development of the university, the establishment and dissolution of organisational units, the coordination and evaluation of the activities of the departments and central institutions in teaching and research.

President's council

Head of Administration

Term of office: 29/02/24 - 28/02/2030

Vice President Studies & Teaching

Research Professor for Sustainable Urban Development Strategies

Vice President Research & Transfer

Professor of Information and Knowledge Management

Vice President Digitalisation & International Affairs

Professor for Visual Interface Design

Student Vice President

Vice President for Special Tasks / Student Vice President
AStA Officer for University Policy & Studies and Teaching



Professor of Theory and Methods of Social Work
Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Mural Painting
Professor for Infrastructure Planning Specialising in Water Supply Systems
Professor of Library Science – Open Access/Open Data

Advisory members

Professor for building preservation, building in existing structures and timber construction
Study Advisor Ing-Bau – Structural Conservation and New Construction in Engineering and Building Construction (M. Sc.)
Head of Construction Laboratory Structural Engineering (BKI)