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Dual study

On this page, we have compiled information for those interested in studying as well as for companies that want to become practice partners.

Dual degree programmes at the Civil Engineering Department

Weitere Studieng?nge
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Civil Engineering | Dual (BEng) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)
Infrastructure Systems | Dual (BEng) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)
Urban Water Management | Dual (BEng) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)

Study: Dual or full-time? A decision-making aid



Dual study Full-time study
Specialisation Due to the proximity to the company, students receive specialised training right from the start. The classic full-time study programme offers the opportunity to be trained in a variety of subjects, to get a taste of different areas and then later to decide on a specialisation.
Organisation Students learn to work in an organised and goal-oriented way at an early stage. There is more freedom to organise their time.
Theory-practice transfer What is learned can be tested directly in practice. In addition, a practical background makes it easier to understand the theory. Since students are not contractually bound to a company, they can take advantage of many opportunities to gain practical experience.
Financing Dual students already earn their own money during their training. During their studies, students do not earn any money and may have to look for a part-time job.
Career opportunities Dual students grow into a company during their studies, which opens up very good career opportunities. Regardless of whether you decide on an academic career or a career start in practice, all doors are open during regular studies.

The Department of Civil Engineering offers a practice-integrated dual study programme.
Basic information on dual studies in Brandenburg can be found at

Useful videos from the Duales Studium Land Brandenburg agency:

How does dual study work?

What does "dual" mean? How long does the course last?

What requirements do I need?

Application information

Application process dual full-time study:

  1. Application to a recognised practice partner (see the following table with practice partners according to degree programmes).
  2. Application to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam during the enrolment period for dual studies from 15th of June to 15th of July.

The enrolment application is submitted online in the MyCampus university portal of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences and must then be submitted in paper form together with the supporting documents listed in the application. The day of the matriculation deadline (receipt of mail at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam) applies to the submission of the documents.

Requirements: General university entrance qualification and education contract with a recognised practice partner

Ablaufschema Prozess zur Bewerbung für ein duales Studium
1. Informieren, 2. bei einem Praxispartner bewerben, 3. Bildungsvertrag mit Praxispartner bis 15. Juni abschlie?en, 4. Bewerbung bei der FH Potsdam bis 15. Juli, 5. Immatrikulationsantrag stellen, 6. Studienbeginn im Wintersemester ? A.Tondera & L. Tyrallova

Wohnheimplatz gesucht?

Wohnheimpl?tze sind begrenzt und die Nachfrage ist hoch! Eine rechtzeitige Bewerbung ist erforderlich! Sie k?nnen sich für einen Wohnheimplatz zum Wintersemester ab April bewerben. Bewerben Sie sich auch dann, wenn Sie noch keinen Zulassungsbescheid der Hochschule erhalten haben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Seite Wohnen in Potsdam.

Become a practice partner

As a practice partner for the dual degree programme, you take on students for the entire duration of their studies and ensure that your students are supervised during the practical phases. Further details are regulated in a cooperation agreement with the university.
Principles for recognition as a practice partner

We will be happy to advise you! Your contact person at the department is Dr. Lucia Tyrallová.
Further information for companies can be found on the website of the Duales Studium Land Brandenburg agency.

Ablaufschema Prozess zur Anerkennung als Praxispartner
1. Beratungsgespr?ch vereinbaren, 2. Antrag auf Anerkennung stellen, 3. Prüfung der Anerkennung durch die FH Potsdam, 4. Erstellung des Kooperationsvertrages durch die FH Potsdam, 5. Unterzeichnung des Kooperationsvertrages, 6. Anerkennung als Praxispartner für das duale Studium am Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen ? Anneli Hannah Skuppin, Lucia Tyrallova

Contact for recognised cooperation institutions

The exchange portal FHP_FB3_Duales Studium is an important quality assurance tool for cooperation. Here, recognised cooperation institutions can find all the necessary information, documents and forms for dual study. The portal is made available for information and exchange between the practice partners and the Civil Engineering Department as well as among themselves in the FHP OCampus teaching platform.

Note: You can use the form to indicate the study place requirement for the winter semester for one degree programme. If you would like to register a place requirement for further degree programmes, you can complete and submit the form again for the degree programme in question. If you want to modify the contact person, click on the "Continue" button to go to the second form level. Note down information on selected candidates in the field "Remarks or other change requests".

  1. Registration of study place requirements
  2. Contact persons
Indicates required field
Degree programme