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Conservation and Restauration – Wall Painting


From theory to practice in the mural painting programme

In the first semesters, the basic subjects of painting and plastering materials, historical technology, the principles, methods and materials of conservation and restoration are taught alongside the natural sciences and humanities to provide the theoretical foundation for object practice.

The first introductory practical courses are increasingly dedicated to the reproduction of historical plaster and painting technology as well as mosaics and familiarisation with common conservation materials and their use, while project work on architectural surfaces and their polychromy begins in the third semester.

Against the individual, architectural-historical background of the respective objects, the research objectives are discussed and defined together with the students of the degree programme and developed on one project day per week within a semester. The training of object-sensitive and substance-preserving working methods is balanced with the precise evaluation and professional documentation of the examination results according to the latest standards. Initial scientific examinations of the plaster matrix and the colour layers round off this practical part.

After the practical semester, both theory and, to a greater extent, practical work on objects in small groups is continued for two semesters in the advanced programme. The focus here is on self-contained conservation and restoration work, which attempts to cover as many of the main types of damage to the respective object as possible and how to solve the problem. The object research and basic investigations in advance as well as the accompanying analytical investigations, which are supervised by the natural science laboratory of the Restoration degree programme, form the first focus.

This practical part of the programme includes the exhaustive inventory and damage assessment as well as the theoretical analysis in the creation of conservation and restoration concepts.

The second part of the project work is the implementation of the supervised object practice, including its specialist documentation, in two days per week and semester.

Students are also integrated into ongoing research projects in which they develop and test completed subject areas and implement them in the form of specimens that are representative of the original.

The practical programme of the degree course is rounded off by a voluntary offer in the lecture-free period with international partners in monument conservation in the form of fortnightly summer courses on historical plaster technology based on lime and clay, as well as on topics relating to plaster conservation.

Project work in the mural painting programme

Over the course of the degree programme, students work on various projects that impart both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the conservation and restoration of cultural assets.

In the 3rd semester, the focus is on investigating the historical colourfulness of objects. The selected object (e.g. house, staircase or room) is recorded in the inventory, room books are created and mechanical stratigraphies of the layer sequences are created on site. The NCS system is used to determine the minimum 1st version. Cross-sections are made in the workshop and archive materials are analysed. Finally, a written and pictorial report is produced (example: Bonk House).

In semesters 5, 6 and 7, students deal with more complex issues in the context of conservation projects. Firstly, a comprehensive inventory and condition survey of the object is carried out, which includes photography, mapping and scientific analysis. This is followed by the development of a conservation concept, which may be refined by the production of specimens to recreate the situation. In consultation with the respective co-operation partners, the conservation is implemented directly on the original in at least a small area.

In our well-equipped mural painting workshop, students put the knowledge they have acquired in courses such as mosaic and retouching directly into practice. Using real objects, they develop innovative solutions for their final projects. This close integration of theory and practice enables our students to acquire a broad range of skills for their future careers.

Project: The monastery church of St. Johannis

Fromer student Susanne Nitsch completed her diploma thesis in 2012 based on the walled niche paintings in the St. Johannis Church in Brandenburg and subsequently carried out her first assignment as a self-employed graduate conservator on the same object of her diploma thesis – a successful start to her professional life.

In this "graduate" video, Susanne Nitsch and Frauke Gallinat, graduates of the Conservation and Restauration of Wall Painting and Historic Architectural Surfaces degree programme, explain the content of the restoration work and the conditions/circumstances under which restorers work on the building site after a brief historical introduction to St. John's Church.

Further projects in the Mural Painting programme

Project work is a key component of the Conservation and Restauration degree programme. We often work together with our cooperation partners – either in our workshops on campus or directly on site in the region.

Mural | The Caspary and Harteneck Mausoleums in the Stahnsdorf Southwest Churchyard

Inventory and condition survey of the superstructure and burial chamber of both mausoleums, plaster analysis, research on the (noble) plaster technique in the superstructure of the Harteneck mausoleum, development of a conservation concept for possible replacement of missing parts



Mural Painting | Ravensbrück Memorial Site, Former "Neue W?scherei"

In addition to a general inventory of all the rooms in the elongated building of the "former ehem. Neuen W?scherei", a colour survey was carried out within the large dining room as part of the study project.

Mural | The Terraced End House in Treibjagdweg 14 in the Onkel Tom housing estate

Inventory and examination for historical colourfulness

Mural Painting | The Mural Removals of the Wrestlers from the Olympic Village/Berlin, Elstal

After the handover of two strapped wall paintings of wrestlers from the "Haus der Nationen" in the Olympic Village, these murals depicting wrestling athletes in typical wrestling poses were to be transferred to a new support and restored.

Wall Painting | The Stucco Frieze in the Ivory Room in the Orangery Palace of Sanssouci Park

Inventory and condition survey of a sample axis of the frieze applications, investigation of the technique, damage and causes as well as reconstruction attempts of stucco mass and form in historical technique.

Interflex Project on the Topic "Zerst?rte Vielfalt: Bücher – Bauten – Biografien"

A joint project of the departments of Social and Educational Sciences, Information Sciences and CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Conservation and Restoration programme

Wandmalerei | mit Tapete strappierte Deckenmalereien aus der Villa Illaire (SPSG)

Im Auftrag der SPSG sicherten und restaurierten Studierende der FH Potsdam die durch Wassersch?den von der Decke herabgefallenen Tapete aus der Villa Illaire im Park Sanssouci. Sie entwickelten zudem ein Konzept zur Umbettung auf einen neuen Tr?ger und zur Freilegung der Malereireste.

Contact us

Head of degree programme

Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Mural Painting

Student counselling & workshop management

Workshop Manager Conservation and Restoration – Mural Painting

The counselling will take place at Tjalda Eschebach. Please register with me by e-mail in advance:

Counselling times:

Thursday, 24/10/2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Thursday, 14/11/2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Thursday, 28/11/2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Thursday, 05/12/2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Thursday, 12/12/2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Thursday, 19/12/2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Thursday, 16/01/2025, 10.00 am – 11.30 am

Location: Laboratory and workshop building/room 247 – 248

Research assistant

Research assistant

Research assistant as part of the DBU research project "Medieval wall paintings in church roof spaces - research and transfer on environmentally indexed processes on monuments"