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MyCampus – Online Self-Administration Portal for Students

MyCampus includes various self-service functions for students. You can view exam results, update your own contact details and print out certificates of study. In addition, exam and event registrations are also made via MyCampus. You will need the access data for your Campus.Account for this portal.

MyCampus at a glance


The application process is handled securely via MyCampus. Register if you would like to apply for a degree programme.

Exam and event registrations

In most degree programmes, registration for examinations and courses also takes place via MyCampus. Registration and deregistration must take place within the specified deadlines so that students can take part in the examinations and the examiners can later record the grades.

Study administration

Over time, more and more functions will be activated for students under this menu. Just take a look every now and then.

Safety notice

For security reasons, you should close the browser window after logging out of the portal and delete the cache of your web browser in order to reliably prevent subsequent users of your computer from being able to restore individual page contents.

Self-service functions of MyCampus

  1. Please log in to MyCampus.
  2. Then select the item Performance overview in the menu My studies .
  3. You have the choice between a web view or downloading a pdf file.

Alternatively, you also have the option of direct access via the tiles on the homepage.

  1. Please log in to MyCampus.
  2. Then select the item Study bob体育平台官网 in the menu My Studies .
  3. Then click on the tab Bescheide / Bescheinigungen (Notifications / Certificates ) in the Study bob体育平台官网 and download the required pdf document.

Alternatively, you have the option of direct access via the tiles on the homepage.

Note: A matriculation certificate is identical to a study certificate.

You can view your current fees account.

  1. Please log in to MyCampus.
  2. Then select the item Study bob体育平台官网 in the My Studies menu.
  3. Then click on the tab Bescheide / Bescheinigungen (Notifications / Certificates ) in the Study bob体育平台官网 and download the required pdf document.
    Note: On the Payments tab, you can find out about the due dates and payment modalities for semester fees.

  1. Please log in to MyCampus.
  2. Then select Study bob体育平台官网 in the My Studies menu.
  3. In the Study bob体育平台官网, click on the Contact details tab and change the details you want to update.

    The address study correspondence is your postal address for the current semester. Important documents concerning your studies will only be sent by post to this address (e.g. TAN lists).
    Please also remember to update your private e-mail address. This is required to reset your Campus.account.

  1. Please log in to MyCampus.
  2. Under My Studies, select the section Exam registration and deregistration. You need an active TAN list to register for and deregister from exams. If you have any questions about your personal iTAN list, please contact your department directly or
  3. You will now see the examination tree of your study regulations. You can expand this tree one after the other until you reach the registration of exams. If you are missing an examination for registration in the examination tree, please contact your department directly or for clarification. It is possible that the exam in your degree programme is not offered for online registration in the current semester.
  4. You must confirm each exam registration and deregistration with a valid TAN.
  5. You will find an overview of your registered examinations and deregistered examinations under the My Studies menu.

You need iTAN numbers to register for and deregister from exams. They consist of 6-digit numbers.
You will receive an initialisation iTAN list from your department, which you can use to create your own new iTAN list.

We recommend that you immediately create a list of 40 iTAN numbers with the help of this active, initial TAN list. To do this, call up the iTAN generation item under My functions.

Note: Simply creating a new iTAN is not enough for it to become valid. You must also activate the newly created list in the second step! With the activation, all previously created or sent iTAN lists lose their validity. You may not generate your own iTAN lists for "stock".

Please note: The list cannot be generated on tablets, smartphones or with Linux operating systems.

In case of loss of your personal iTAN list, please contact us immediately at

FAQ about MyCampus

Please check your user ID and password. These are identical to those of the Campus.Account. The quickest way to test your password is to log in to the Moodle system. If you are sure that your password is correct, please contact MyCampus-bob体育平台官网 Please always include your matriculation number.

Please send an e-mail to and be sure to include your matriculation number, otherwise your request cannot be processed. Please switch off the autofill function in the forms of your browser or system.

Please be sure to switch off this function for this website in your browser! Not only for security reasons, but because it can also cause problems when entering TANs. Your entered current TAN is replaced by an old stored TAN without your conscious knowledge by this browser function. This produces two registered incorrect entries in the system after pressing function buttons although you have only entered a TAN once. If you do not want to do without this browser function, make sure that the iTAN input field is not saved as a password.

When a replacement iTAN list is sent to you, all previous iTAN lists lose their validity! Please make sure you always know which list is valid for you.

The version of the examination regulations is decisive. Which examination regulations apply to you is noted in the examination registration and deregistration section behind your degree programme. From the PDF of the examination regulations behind it, you can see which examinations you need, e.g. for a module. Ask your department whether and where they provide these lists.

The exam has not yet been entered into the system. Please contact the dean's office of your department directly.

Please contact the secretariat of your department.

Please perform your last action again. Sometimes the "Back" button of your browser works so that you do not have to make any new entries.

The number of participants is determined from all examinations belonging to an examination number that were taken within a semester (or term period). It does not matter which examiner supervised the participants in the exam. For example, it can happen that you have taken an examination with three people, but 63 participants are displayed. The remaining 60 participants have taken the examination with the same PNR under other instructors at other dates.

If you are unable to register in MyCampus, this may be due to various reasons:

  • You registered in a previous semester: Unfortunately, for data protection reasons, we are not allowed to keep the registration and application data from the previous semester and transfer them to the new application phase. These will be deleted after the end of the application campaign. Therefore, please register and apply again in the application portal for each application campaign.
  • You have not activated your account: Before you can log in with your user account, you must first activate your account.
  • Your password or user ID is not correct

Click on the Forgot access data button at the top right, below the login.

  1. Enter your user ID and the answer to the security question displayed and click Next.
  2. A security code will be displayed. Please make a note of it. You will need it later on to create a new password for your account.
  3. You will then receive an e-mail with a confirmation link. In the next step, you can use the link to enter the security code and your new password.
  4. Click on Done to complete the password change.

Please note that the function described below may not be fully available in the mobile version of MyCampus.

After you have entered and submitted your data on the registration page in MyCampus, you will receive an e-mail with the subject Confirm your registration.

In this email you will find:

  • your user ID
  • a verification link
  • an activation code

Some email providers may have problems sending the email (e.g. google mail). If you have not received the e-mail, please contact or check your spam folder.

To verify your account, you will need to click on the verification link or copy it in full into your browser. If the verification was successful, you will receive the following message: You have successfully verified yourself. Then enter the activation code from the e-mail and confirm with OK.

Your user ID is automatically assigned during registration and is your e-mail address used during registration.

You will find your user ID:

  • in the activation e-mail you received after registration (subject: Confirm your registration)
  • in the application checklist or in the control sheet (which you may have already saved).

If you are unable to identify your user ID yourself, please contact us by e-mail at Please do not register a second time as this may lead to a system error!


Central contact for MyCampus: Students please state their matriculation number in the enquiry.
For questions regarding content, e.g. examination regulations, please contact the responsible person in your department or the examination service:

Coordinator of MyCampus
Administrator HISinOne Campus Management
Staff member for software systems for student administration and examination organisation
Deputy Administrator of MyCampus
Administrator Moodle
Application Administrator of MyCampus
Deputy Administrator of Campus Management