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The Ethics Committee

The ethics committee provides assistance and advice to scientists of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam regarding ethical and legal aspects of their research and its consequences on humans and animals. It was established by the senate in accordance with the BbgHG (§ 64 para. 3) and will report to the senate once per term of office.


If necessary, the ethics committee will look into the ethical acceptability of the aims and procedures of research projects, e.g. the possible use for non-peaceful purposes, and check whether all precautions have been taken to minimise risks or whether there is an appropriate balance between benefits and risks.

Ethics guidelines

The ethics committee of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam acts in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the german psychological society and the professional association of german psychologists (BDP).

More detailed information on the tasks and principles of the ethics committee of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can be found in the ethics committee regulations. Information on the structure of the application and the required information can be found in the explanatory applications.


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Stellvertretende Vorsitzende

Profilfoto Anna-Sophie Barbutev

Anna-Sophie Barbutev, M. A.

Akademische Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "Wissenschaftlerinnen in die Medien"


Patrizia Reicherl

Dipl.-Pol. Patrizia Reicherl

Gesch?ftsführerin des Senats, der Ethikkommission und für Gremienwahlen; Amtliche Bekanntmachungen

Composition & Members

The ethics committee is composed of university members of all status groups and external experts. The term of office is four years, that of the students two years; currently until 31.01.2027 and 31.01.2025 respectively.

Group of academic staff

Group of non-academic staff

Group of students

  • Luise Edom


  • N. N.