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Second Degree

The study places for all admission-restricted degree programs at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are allocated in the selection procedure via fixed quotas. If you have already completed a degree in another degree programme at a German university and are applying for a further undergraduate degree programme, you can only be admitted via the quota for second degree applicants.

Selection procedure for a second degree

According to the Brandenburg University Admission Ordinance, three percent of the study places in undergraduate degree programmes with restricted admission are held ready for applicants who apply for a second degree in the 1st semester. In general, you have to apply like everyone else and additionally submit the documents. You will be asked whether you are a second degree student during the application process via the MyCampus university portal.

Only those who have already completed a course of study at a German university and wish to apply for an admission-restricted undergraduate course of study in the 1st semester count as second degree applicants. A course of study is completed when the prescribed state final examination (Staatsexamen) or academic final examination (e.g. Diplom, Magister, Bachelor or Master examination) has been successfully passed and can be documented by a certificate.

For the ranking, a measurement number is determined from the "final grade of the first degree" and the "degree of importance of the reasons for the second degree". The measurement number is the sum of the scores awarded for both criteria and determines the ranking on the secondary study application ranking list.

  • Grade excellent and very good – 4 points
  • Grade good and fully satisfactory – 3 points
  • Grade satisfactory – 2 points
  • Grade sufficient – 1 point
  • Grade not proven – 1 point

  • compelling professional reasons – 9 points

A profession is sought which can only be pursued on the basis of two completed courses of study. This means that further study should enable the student to take up an occupation that necessarily requires the successful completion of two courses of study.

  • Scientific reasons – 7 to 11 points

In view of a later occupation in science and research and on the basis of the previous scientific and practical activity, a further scientific qualification in another degree program is sought.

  • Special professional reasons – 7 points

The professional situation is significantly improved by the fact that the completion of the second degree complements the first degree in a meaningful way. This is the case if the activity sought through the second degree program in conjunction with the first degree program is to be regarded as a combination of two fields of activity specific to the degree program which, as a rule, cannot already be performed by graduates of one of the two degree programs, and the person concerned demonstrably seeks this activity. If the student is merely aiming for a change of profession by taking up a second course of study, special professional reasons cannot be affirmed.

  • Other professional reasons – 4 points

The second course of study is necessary for other reasons due to the individual's professional situation, in particular to compensate for an unreasonable professional disadvantage or in order to expand the possibilities of the activities pursued with the help of the first course of study.

  • None of the above reasons – 1 point

If the second course of study is pursued after a family phase for the purpose of reintegration or new entry into professional life, this circumstance can be taken into account by granting a supplement of up to 2 points in the measurement figure formation, irrespective of the evaluation of the project and its assignment to one of the aforementioned case groups.


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