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Conditions for participation in further education courses of the further education unit at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

  1. The conditions of participation apply to the further education events offered by the further education unit (ZEW) of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Additional agreements and arrangements must be made in writing.
  2. Binding written registration is required for participation in further education events offered by the ZEW of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
  3. The admission requirements for each event are specified in the respective programme.
  4. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam reserves the right to admit students to further education events.
  5. The fixed participation fee must be paid by the deadline stated on the invoice.
  6. If the participation fee is or is to be paid by the participant's place of employment, this must be stated at the time of registration.
  7. Withdrawal by participants after registration and confirmation of registration must be declared in writing.
    1. In the case of further training courses which are not modularised and can only be attended as a whole, cancellation of registration is possible without charge up to 2 weeks (receipt of post) before the start of the further training course. After this deadline, 50 % of the participation fee will be charged. The full participation fee must be paid if the notice of cancellation is received after the first day of the seminar (date of receipt by post) or if no written notice of cancellation is submitted at all. If a suitable substitute participant has registered with binding effect by the first day of the seminar at the latest, only a proportional flat-rate fee (administrative expenses) of 100 Euro will be charged.
    2. In the case of certificate courses whose modules can also be booked individually, the cancellation conditions according to 6 a) apply accordingly to the booking of selected individual modules. If the certificate course was booked as a whole, cancellation is possible up to 2 weeks (receipt of post) before the start of each module. In this case, the pro rata participation fees incurred up to that point, but at least 50 % of the total participation fee plus a pro rata flat-rate fee (administrative expenses) of 100 EUR will be charged. After expiry of this period, the participation fee for the directly upcoming or already started module will be charged additionally. This also applies in the event that a suitable substitute participant has registered bindingly by the first day of the seminar at the latest. Modules can consist of several events.
  8. Participants in further education events will receive a certificate of participation from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam upon completion of the event. If the awarding of a certificate is planned, this will be announced in the event programme.
  9. A prerequisite for the awarding of a certificate or a certificate of participation by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is the participation in at least 90% of the total number of hours of the further education event. In order to receive a certificate from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, each participant must provide individual proof of performance. The type of certificate is specified in the respective programme.
  10. Certificates of participation will only be issued after full payment of the participation fee.
  11. In the event of delays in graduation for which participants are responsible, graduation may take place no later than two years after the regular graduation.
  12. The scope and content of the further education events can be found in the respective programme. In exceptional cases, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam reserves the right to appoint substitute lecturers or to make minor changes to the seminar content. For organisational reasons, it may also be necessary to change the time of the event. A change of the venue specified in the programme of events and also a change from a face-to-face format to a digital format are possible. In these cases, participants will be informed in advance.
  13. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam reserves the right to cancel a further education event for important reasons even after registration has been confirmed. Important reasons are, in particular, a significantly too low number of participants as well as the absence of lecturers due to illness. Any claims against the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam beyond the reimbursement of course fees already paid are excluded.
  14. Participants in further education courses at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam do not have student status; in particular, they are not covered by accident insurance. Furthermore, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam does not assume any liability for personal injury, property damage, or financial loss, unless employees of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam have acted intentionally or with gross negligence.
  15. Participants in further education events at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam agree not to use or pass on the results of their work or confidential information, including that of third parties, which becomes known during the event.
  16. Individual events within the framework of further education courses may contain strong components of personal and professional self-awareness. However, these can in no way replace psychosocial counselling or psychotherapy. Each person takes part in these seminars on their own responsibility and cannot make any claims arising from any consequences. All participants bear sole responsibility for the fact that other participants in the seminar learn personal information about them. Participants undertake to treat information about individuals as strictly confidential and not to pass it on to third parties.
  17. In the event of disputes arising from the further training contract, the place of jurisdiction is Potsdam.

Status: June 2023


ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10


ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10