Entrepreneurship School & ZEGM Flex Elective Courses

Discover perspectives for self-employment and freelancing, train leadership, and implement sustainable project ideas. Become an FHPreneur!

More than a job: think.Beyond!
With the ZEGM Flex elective modules, the FHP Entrepreneurship School offers an interdisciplinary variety of analogue and digital formats for testing self-employment, developing start-up ideas and training future leadership skills. The Flex seminars, workshops and coachings of the Entrepreneurship School promote important skills for coping with future work situations and enable well-founded business start-ups or freelance activities.
"skill your future" - with the ZEGM-Flex elective modules
Students from all departments have the opportunity to have the ZEGM-Flex elective modules credited to their Bachelor's or Master's degree programme with the corresponding credit points. Per course, 5 to 10 ECTS credit points can be collected.
Department members can find information and offers on the Flex modules in the respective course catalogues, in Moodle and on the FHP Entrepreneurship School website. Enrolment for the Flex elective courses takes place on the ZEGM Moodle board. Access is granted via the individual campus account.
Realisable start-up ideas or concrete plans for freelancing or self-employment can be accompanied in parallel or afterwards by targeted advice and coaching on financing, funding and networking events. All offers of the start-up service and the Entrepreneurship School are non-binding and free of charge.
The Flex module programme "skill your future & get credits"
- The Flex elective modules are available to all students in Moodle for content and credit points overview as well as enrolment.
- Depending on the focus, the 6 modules teach business basics, project development know-how, and entrepreneurship qualifications.
- Participants develop the sustainable project and start-up ideas, learn about the requirements for self-employment and/or implement a (fictitious) start-up project.
- If desired, the participants can receive further advisory services
How much FHPreneur do you have in you?
Is self-employment a conceivable option? A short test shows how much entrepreneurial potential there is and what suitable support we offer.
Funding information

EXIST – University-Based Business Start-Ups
EXIST is a support programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).