Research Management with HISinOne-RES
In 2024, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam completed the introduction of a digitised research process using HISinOne-RES. The new system simplifies access to research information, communication of research activities and the administration of third-party funded research and transfer projects.
Digitalisation of processes in research
Central database for research and transfer activities
The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam uses the research management system HISinOne-RES.
This means that the essential information on research and transfer projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is managed in a central database, which simplifies data access and administration. Access to the data is web-based and is controlled by assigning roles and rights.
Communication of publications & research results
HISinOne-RES offers the option of transparently communicating project details, publications and activities, such as expert activities. An interface enables the output of data recorded in RES on the FHP websites.
In the future, all research, transfer and teaching projects at the university are to be recorded and managed using HISinOne-RES.
Added value of HISinOne-RES for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
The research management system HISinOne-RES makes it easier for all members of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to apply for and manage projects.
HISinOne-RES offers ...
- a simplification of the application and administration of third-party funding by means of a digital third-party funding display.
- a qualitative improvement in internal and external networking.
- complete mapping of the core data set for research (KDSF).
- a link between the presentation of research achievements, including details of projects, publications and scientific activities of researchers,
- simplification of the reporting system and improvement of the external presentation.
Access and Contact
Access to HISinOne-RES is via personal campus account (and from outside the FHP only via VPN) through the MyCampus portal. Documentation for working with the system is stored in the knowledge base.
If you have any questions about HISinOne-RES, please contact:
If you have any questions regarding the content of research and transfer projects, the Central Research and Transfer bob体育平台官网 will be happy to help: