Study Organisation in the Arts Management and Cultural Work Degree Programme
All information at a Glance
Course Catalogue
Courses offered for all degree programmes of the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE department as well as the entire course catalogue of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
Orders relevant to studies
Study and examination regulations & module manual of the degree programme
Forms and information relevant to studies
Further forms and information on the degree programme
Studium & Praktikum: zentrale Dokumente und Informationen
Hier finden Sie alle Ordnungen, die aktuell im Bachelorstudiengang bob体育平台官网 von Belang sind. Die Dokumente umfassen Modulhandbücher, Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen, Praktikumsordnungen sowie die Satzung zum Hochschulauswahlverfahren. Weitere Dokumente k?nnen Sie in den Amtlichen Bekanntmachungen recherchieren.
Um Ihnen den Studienalltag zu erleichtern, stellen wir Ihnen au?erdem verschiedene Formulare, Merkbl?tter und Handreichungen zur Verfügung, die für das Pflichtpraktikum im 5. Semester, den Nachweis von Studienleistungen, das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und die Beantragung der Bachelorarbeit relevant sind.
Orders Relevant to Studies
- No. 459459 - Praktikumsordnung für den Bachelorstudiengang bob体育平台官网 (PDF, 213 KB)Regelungen für die Praktika; Musterantr?ge; gültig ab WS 23/24Contact: CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department
- No. 458458 - Studien- und Prüfungsordnung inkl. Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang bob体育平台官网 (PDF, 527.9 KB)Studien- und Prüfungsordnung sowie Modulhandbuch, gültig ab WS 23/24Contact: CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department
- No. 307307 - Studien- und Pru?fungsordnung des Bachelorstudiengangs bob体育平台官网 der Fachhochschule Potsdam (PDF, 764.24 KB)Contact: CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department
- Nachweis Praxissemester, bob体育平台官网 (B.?A.) (PDF, 38.86 KB)
- Muster Praktikumsvertrag, bob体育平台官网 (B.?A.) (PDF, 70.74 KB)
Forms and Information Relevant to Studies
In the 5th semester, students complete a 20-week compulsory internship in a practical field of cultural work.
The module "Practical Semester and Evaluation" is part of a proper study of cultural work and has the following aims and contents:
- Connection between studies and professional practice,
- Orientation in the range of activities in cultural work and in the intended professional field,
- Getting to know professional contexts, organisational processes as well as the social structures that are typical for the professional field of cultural work,
- Acquisition of application-related knowledge and professional competences,
- Working on and finding practical solutions to concrete tasks in the professional field of activity under supervision,
- reflection on the knowledge and experience gained in the internships with regard to the connection between studies and professional practice,
- if applicable, preparation of the Bachelor's thesis.
The regulations for the internship in the 5th semester are laid down in the internship regulations.
Contact: Uwe Hanf (Internship Officer in the degree programme)
- No. 459459 - Praktikumsordnung für den Bachelorstudiengang bob体育平台官网 (PDF, 213 KB)Regelungen für die Praktika; Musterantr?ge; gültig ab WS 23/24Contact: CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department
- No. 322322 - Praktikumsordnung fu?r den Studiengang bob体育平台官网 an der Fachhochschule Potsdam (PDF, 106.97 KB)Contact: CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department
- Merkblatt Praxissemester, bob体育平台官网 (B. A.) (PDF, 68.42 KB)
International Exchange
International cultural work is a special focus, to which the degree programme has dedicated itself since its foundation through projects, lecturer and student exchanges, internships abroad and events on international cultural management.
Our study structure allows you to complete one or two semesters abroad (5th and 6th semester or study and/or internship semester).
The contact person for information or the specific recognition of study achievements, for the Learning Agreement (concluded before the stay abroad) and the Transcript of Records (you will receive from the partner university after the stay) is, in addition to the International Office, the International Coordinator of the degree programme Uwe Hanf.
You can choose a university or a suitable degree programme in any country in the world. You must then apply there independently or clarify whether the university in question will accept you. In addition, you must first clarify with the responsible module supervisors of our degree programme whether the credits to be earned there can be credited. This option requires a great deal of research and organisation on your part. Funding opportunities may be available through special programmes, e. g. "PROMOS". You can get advice on this from the International Office.
Stay abroad within the framework of ERASMUS+
ERASMUS+ funding programme, your studies abroad can be funded if there is a corresponding cooperation agreement with a partner university. The Cultural Work programme has a number of agreements with universities in different countries. Detailed information on ERASMUS+ can be found here. The staff of the International Office will support you in finding the right university for you and in submitting your application.
Practical semester abroad
If you are not studying abroad but would like to complete your practical semester there, this is also possible. In this case, too, you must look for your internship place yourself and then have it approved by the internship officer. The International Office also provides information about funding opportunities.