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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualit?t

Organisational unit
    Zwei Personen helfen sich gegenseitig beim Erklimmen eines Zielpfades
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    How do you work? Insights into the everyday Working Life of former FHP Students

    Call for Participation! Planned Job Shadowing by Alumnae/Alumni for Students shows Career Prospects at close Quarters.

    Fünf Personen stehen vor der Pink Pirate Bar, einem Au?entresen vor dem Casino, Haus 17.
    Association for the Promotion of FHP e.V.
    Campus life


    First FHP Beer brewed on Campus

    Members of the FH Potsdam Supporters’ Association brew the first university beer on campus.

    Profilbild von Mann in grauem Blazer
    Further Education
    Further education


    From Theory to Practice: Organisational Development and Financing in Compact Form

    In September 2024, the CAS further education course "Organisational Development and Financing Compact" will start again. Ale? Janou?ek completed the course as a module as part of the degree programme Social Management at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. In this interview, he talks about…

    Eingangsbereich der BiblioCon 2024 in Hamburg
    Information Sciences


    Students attended the Conference "Archive Pedagogy in Migration Society" at the NRW State Archive in Duisburg

    Germany is a country of immigration! On the 14th and 15th of June 2024, representatives from archives, schools and other educational institutions met in Duisburg for the 35th Archive Pedagogy Conference on the topic of "Archive Pedagogy in Migration Society"!

    Illustration einer Frau, welche am Laptop sitzt. Um sie herum schwebt ein kleiner Roboter, der die Hand hebt und eine kleine, ebenso illustrierte Rakete.
    President's Council


    ZDT Annual Conference in November 2024: Save the Date & Call for Participation

    The annual conference "ZDT-Forum: Digital University Brandenburg" on the 7th and 8th of November 2024 will provide insights into current digitisation projects and discuss the recommendations of the Science Council on the Brandenburg higher education system and the further development of cooperation…

    Civil Engineering

    Press release

    Dual study programme at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences makes significant contribution to innovative road rehabilitation in Brandenburg

    An important step for the transport infrastructure in Brandenburg was taken today with the opening of the first construction section of the L 50 state road between Fehrow and Drachhausen. The focus here is not only on economic and ecological sustainability, but also on close cooperation with the…

    Kitabild mit Spielsteinen im Vordergrund
    Social and Educational Sciences

    Press release

    Brandenburg's education plan comes into force

    With the publication of the new education plan "The extended principles of elementary education" by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MBJS), Brandenburg is sending a strong signal in favour of child-oriented and scientifically based early childhood education. The education plan was…

    Kurz Vorgestellt: Prof. Dr. Franzsika Geib
    Social and Educational Sciences
    Briefly introduced


    A brief introduction: Prof Dr Franziska Geib

    Prof. Dr Franziska Geib, born in 1987 in Alfeld an der Leine in Lower Saxony, has been a professor in the Department of Social and Educational Sciences since 1 April 2024. She is Professor of Inclusive Work with People with Disabilities and Diversity and the Anti-Discrimination Officer at Potsdam…

    Foto vom Fachtag Suchtselbsthilfe
    Social and Educational Sciences


    Addiction self-help in open men's and women's prisons

    On 4th of July 2024, the symposium "Addiction self-help in open men's and women's prisons" took place at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. The occasion was the publication of a qualitative study on addiction self-help in open prisons, which was carried out at the University of Applied…

    Studentin benutzt einen Textmarker, um in einer Liste zu markieren. Zu sehen ist die Tischoberfl?che, ein Block, diverse Stifte, sowie die H?nde. Im Hintergrund ist eine Tastatur zu erkennen.
    bob体育平台官网 information


    Feminism for the holidays - Book presentation in the university library

    Presentation of summer literature of current books on the topics of feminism, gender & diversity in the context of society as a whole and the specialist communities in the foyer of the university library

    Studierende sitzen in der Bibliothek an einem Tisch
    bob体育平台官网 information


    Opening Hours of the University Library during the Lecture-Free Period 2024

    Please note the changed opening hours of the University Library during the lecture-free period from the 22nd of July to the 27th of September 2024.

    Prof. Dr. Michael Prytula

    Press release

    Prof Dr Michael Prytula is a member of the Brandenburg Scientific Climate Advisory Board

    FHP Professor Dr Michael Prytula, research professor for resource-optimised and climate-adapted construction, was appointed as a member of the Brandenburg Scientific Climate Advisory Board (WBK) at the constituent meeting on 15 July 2024. The WKB is based at the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment…