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Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries

The Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries is affiliated with the information sciences department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. As an institution of the University of Applied Sciences, one of the tasks of the state office is to support the transfer of knowledge between the university and archival and library practice in the state of Brandenburg.

? Fachhochschule Potsdam


The state office advises the maintainers of archives and public libraries as well as the institutions themselves on all technical issues. It supports the development of an efficient network of cooperating archives and public libraries in the districts, independent cities and all other municipalities in the state of Brandenburg.

The aim is to achieve a uniform professional standard for archives and public libraries through advice, further training and services. The training advisors belonging to the state specialist office support vocational training for media and information services specialists in the public service in the state of Brandenburg on behalf of the competent body in accordance with the Vocational Training Act.

The regional office at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam works in close connection with the study programmes of the Department of Information Sciences. It thus creates a link between academic teaching and professional practice.


Archive consulting

The archival advisory service in Brandenburg is aimed at archives and their maintainers. It supports the archives in safeguarding and making available the regional and local written cultural heritage. The archive advisory service promotes cooperation between Brandenburg's archives and coordinates joint activities.

Library advice

The State Office develops strategies for a future-oriented orientation of the public library system in the State of Brandenburg. The libraries and their owners receive conceptual and advisory support in the professional development and expansion of their library with the aim of creating efficient facilities.


Those interested in professional qualifications in the fields of archives and librarianship have various training options.

Further education

The State Office for Archives and Public Libraries supports staff in archives, public libraries and documentation institutions in the field of professional qualification.

Team of the state office

Brandenburg State Agency for Archives and Public Libraries

Scientific management

Specialist advice archives

Staff Member of the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries

Specialist advice for public libraries

Managing Director of the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries

Specialist advice for public libraries

Staff member of the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries

Fachberatung ?ffentliche Bibliotheken

Mitarbeiterin der Landesfachstelle für Archive und ?ffentliche Bibliotheken Brandenburg