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Recognition of study and examination achievements from abroad

Girlande mit internationalen Flaggen

Would you like to study one or more semesters at a university abroad? You can also apply to have these achievements recognised by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam after your return.

Steps for recognising achievements from abroad

Please note the following steps to transfer the study and examination credits earned abroad to your transcript of records at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam:

Before starting your mobility abroad, conclude a learning agreement with the person responsible for stays abroad in your degree programme in which you record the selected modules and ECTS credits at the host university.

Templates are already available for our exchange programmes: the Online Learning Agreement for Erasmus+ (available after registering for the programme via the Mobility Online database) and the Study Agreement for bilateral exchanges. We also recommend concluding a Learning Agreement for individually organised stays (so-called free movers). You can use the Study Agreement template for this purpose.

At the beginning of your stay abroad, first make sure that the courses you have chosen will take place at the host university. If you are unable to attend something as planned, discuss any changes to the learning agreement with the Student Advisory bob体育平台官网 immediately. Use the Learning and Study Agreements to record the changes in writing ("Changes to the Original Learning Agreement").

At the end of your stay or after your return, you will receive a transcript of records from the host university. This lists the credits and grades earned abroad. If this is not the case, make sure you obtain the usual proof of the modules/events you have completed from the host university.

After your return, submit the application for recognition of study and examination achievements and enclose all supporting documents (learning agreement, transcript of records, timetables if applicable, course descriptions, module overviews from the partner university).

You can download the application form from the MyCampus homepage under "Information from the Department of Study and Examination bob体育平台官网s".

The application is first checked by the Examination bob体育平台官网 for formal correctness and completeness. The content is then assessed and a decision is made by the examination board of the relevant faculty or by the study commission of the relevant degree programme.

The conversion of grades is carried out by the examination board of your faculty/degree programme and is based on the modified Bavarian formula.

The grades of recognised coursework and examinations will be adopted for comparable grading systems and included in the calculation of module and overall grades.

In the case of non-comparable grading systems, the note "passed" is included in the transcript of records and the performance is not taken into account when calculating the module and overall grade.

You will receive written notification of the recognition decision.

Study and examination achievements completed and recognised abroad are marked on the degree certificate.

Contact us

Applications must be submitted to the Examination bob体育平台官网.

Advice on application submission, notification and booking

Deputy Head of Study and Examination bob体育平台官网
Main administrator for the Examination bob体育平台官网

Advice on stays abroad during your studies