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Elected Representative for Employees with Disabilities

As the representative body for severely disabled employees and employees with equal rights, the elected representatives for employees with disabilities promote participation in working life and are committed to a non-discriminatory climate and the promotion of equal opportunities at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Function & Tasks

The elected representative for employees with disabilities monitor compliance with the applicable law for severely disabled persons according to the social code (SGB IX), general equal treatment act (AGG), act on the equality of persons with disabilities (BGG) and many more. It exercises its participation rights when applicants with disabilities apply for a job. The representative body for severely disabled persons assists in the application process for the determination of a disability. It works closely with the staff councils and the inclusion officer of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

The elected representative for employees with disabilities of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

  • represents the interests of people with disabilities and people threatened by disabilities
  • promotes the participation of people with disabilities in working life
  • assists in applying for measures at the responsible offices that serve employees with disabilities
  • assists with applications for the determination of a degree of disability
  • advises and assists with applications for equal status in the case of a disability of less than 50 %
  • accompanies applicants with disabilities and assists in their possible recruitment in accordance with SGB IX, § 165
  • receives suggestions and complaints from disabled employees and works towards a solution through negotiations with the university management
  • works closely with the representative for university employees with disabilities at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.
  • works closely with all staff representatives
  • observes the prohibition of discrimination
  • monitors the employer's legal obligation for prevention (e.g. company reintegration procedure - BEM)
  • monitors accessibility in all areas and works towards it


Representatives for the Severely Handicapped

Room 2.00

Confidential Counsellor

Staff member for Inventory and disposal

2nd Deputy

Staff Member Studies and Teaching