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Further Education Opportunities at the Information Sciences Department

Postgraduate Master's Programmes

More courses
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Archival Sciences (MA) German Winter semester
22/05 – 30/06/ in odd-numbered calendar years (admission restricted)
Digital Data Management (MA) German Summer semester
Note: No enrolment for summer semester 2024

Further Education Offers

Distance Learning Programme Archival Studies

Since 1999, the information sciences department has been offering further education courses for employees in all archive fields with the project "Distance Laerning Programme Archival Studies".

Distance Learning Programme Archival Studies

Archives in the Information Age

Equivalent to the long-standing successful certificate course in library management, a course specifically for archivists was developed under the academic direction of Prof. Susanne Freund - after an attempted first integrated offer.

Archives in the Information Age