Open Access & Publishing – Funding, Visibility and Open Access to Scientific Results
You would like to publish your research results via the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? Do you have questions about open access publishing?
Here you will find information worth knowing about the topic of open access, publication options and strategies, and tools for finding free online resources.
All Offers at a Glance
Open Access Support – University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has adopted the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities". and was the first university in the state of Brandenburg to sign the "San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)".
Open Access Funding – Library
Publishing agreements and other support tools will help you to publish openly.
Finding Open Access Journals
We can help you find and check suitable open access journals.
Useful Information for Authors
We have put together some tips for you that can help you with your publication.
Open Access Funding – Library
Open Access stands for unhindered and free access to scientific information on the internet with the aim of a fast and sustainable dissemination of research results.
We are also happy to advise you, together with the research service on how to apply for publication funds for Open Access in the context of your applications for third-party funding.
DEAL Project
German universities and research institutions, represented in the Alliance of German Science Organizations, have jointly launched the DEAL project. The DEAL contracts rededicate collective library spending on journal subscriptions, thereby giving scientists in Germany the opportunity to retain all rights to their work, the freedom to publish in the journals of their choice, and the necessary means to do so in the open access way, so that they receive maximum global visibility and impact for their research.
Open Access Support – University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
In January 2023, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. The Berlin Declaration from 2003 is considered one of the most important cornerstones for the Open Access movement. At the same time, Potsdam UAS was the first university in the state of Brandenburg to sign the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
The signatures of the Berlin Declaration and the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment were supported by the Brandenburg Networking and Competence Centre for Open Access (VuK), which is located at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in the Department of Information Sciences. The VuK supports Brandenburg 's higher education institutions in implementing the state's Open Access strategy.
By signing the two agreements, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam undertakes, among other things, to support academics in publishing in Open Access and to give special recognition to Open Access publications when assessing academic achievements. It thus supports the cultural change towards more openness.
Finding Open Access journals
B!SON Project (Beta)
Within the framework of the B!SON project, a recommendation service for quality-assured open access journals was realised. After entering the title, abstract and/or references of a manuscript, the system suggests a list of suitable OA journals that can serve as a decision-making aid for you as an author. This service is currently in the beta phase.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) currently lists 17,494 journals and the search can also be filtered by subject and other criteria.
Publication Server OPUS
The library operates the publication server (OPUS), where members of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can publish, reference and research their academic publications.
Before publishing a document on the OPUS server, please make sure that you are authorised to do so. Generally, you are authorised if you are the author of the document yourself and have not given exclusive rights to third parties. If you have published your publication in parallel with a publisher or plan to do so, make sure that the publisher allows parallel publication on a document server. Further information on the publication process via OPUS can also be found in the FAQ.
Find Freely Available Publications
The search for scientific publications often ends at a pay barrier or paywall. Yet there are many ways to search for freely available resources without paying or entering legal grey areas. Below we list a few ways to search for online resources. You can also find more freely available resources in the Moodle online course for self-study for university members of the FH Potsdam.
Directory of Open Access Books
The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a catalogue of openly accessible quality-checked monographs. At the same time, it is also a directory of open access publishers. Currently, around 49,696 books from 693 publishers are listed (as of February 2022).
Directory of Open Access Journals
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is the most important overview of high-quality peer-reviewed open access journals. Currently, over 17,494 journals are listed and over 7 million articles are indexed (as of February 2022).
The free Unpaywall plugin, available for the Chrome and Firefox internet browsers, directs you to freely available versions, even outside university networks.
After installation, the plugin indicates whether there is an open access version of your found document by a small lock symbol on the right side of the screen. A green lock means that there is an openly licensed version of the document, which you can access by clicking on the icon. If there is no Open Access version, the lock remains greyed out.
Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
The BASE search engine is one of the world's largest search engines for scholarly web documents, tracking over 100 million open access documents.
Useful Information for Authors
In the following, we have compiled some useful tips for you that can support you in your publication and in fulfilling and exercising your authorial duties and rights.