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International Applicants

You would like to apply to study from the first or a apply for a higher semester and earned your high school diploma and/or college degree abroad? If so, you can have degrees and achievements obtained abroad recognized and study with us.

Recognition uni-assist e. V.

You can have your university entrance qualification for the state of Brandenburg recognized by uni-assist e.V.. The evaluation of your university entrance qualification (preliminary examination documentation) is a prerequisite for application to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

If you have already had your university entrance qualification for a bachelor's degree program for the state of Brandenburg recognized by the State Education Office Cottbus, you can apply directly for a place at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

1. Register

Register at the online application portal of uni-assist. Select the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and your desired degree program (Bachelor/Master). Apply for the evaluation of your university entrance qualification (preliminary examination documentation).

The processing costs for the evaluation of your university entrance qualification by uni-assist are 75 EUR.

2. Send Documents

The following documents are required (if applicable):

  • School leaving certificate with overview of subjects and grades
  • Proof of previous studies with overview of subjects and grades and graduation certificate including grading system of the university
  • Proof of university entrance exam in home country
  • Proof of German language skills (at the latest with the matriculation)

Please send all copies of certificates/proofs in the original language and additionally in a German or English translation. The copies must be officially certified. Translations must be sworn.

Send the printed and signed application together with the required documents to uni-assist:

uni-assist e. V.
D-11507 Berlin

3. Apply for a study place or study preparation ESiSt at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Be aware of the application deadlines! The evaluation of your university entrance qualification by uni-assist e. V. usually takes four to six weeks after receipt of your application and payment.

If you do not expect to receive your pre-assessment documentation within the application period, please contact us before the application deadline.

You can use the pre-screening documentation to apply for your desired place on MyCampus.

If, according to the pre-examination documentation, you must first attend the Studienkolleg, you can apply for study preparation ESiSt bewerben.

Recognition Cottbus State Education Authority

If you have already had your eligibility for a bachelor's degree recognized for the state of Brandenburg by the Cottbus State Education Authority , you can also register at the MyCampus university portal of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for your desired study place.

Necessary language skills

The study programs at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are German-language and require language skills at least on the level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. For the English-language master's degree program Childhood Studies and Children's Rights, you do not need to demonstrate German language skills. However, a basic knowledge of German is recommended.

With a foreign university entrance qualification, you must submit proof of sufficient German language skills with your application or, at the latest, when you enroll. In justified cases, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to recognize a lower level of language competence.

  • German language test for university admission C1/DSH 2
  • Test German as a Foreign Language (TestDaF) C1/TDN 4
  • Assessment test of a German Studienkolleg (FSP)
  • acquired university entrance qualification (Abitur) at a recognized German-speaking school abroad
  • passed final examination of a German university or university of applied sciences (German-language course of study)
  • Goethe-Certificate C2 Gro?es Deutsches Sprachdiplom (formerly Kleines or Gro?es Deutsches Sprachdiplom and Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung)
  • Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs DSD 2 with C1 in all sections
  • German Language Examination II of the Language and Interpreting Institute Munich
  • Certificate of having passed the examination "telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule"
  • If you have completed German studies at a recognized foreign university, you can be exempted from the language examination upon application
  • Additional language certificates according to the Framework Regulation on German Language Examinations for Studies at German Universities (RO-DT of the HRK).

If you cannot provide evidence of any of the above certificates and/or your German language skills are not yet sufficient, you have the opportunity to apply under the ESiSt network to apply for the DSH intensive course and/or register for the DSH exam.

Girlande mit internationalen Flaggen

Guest Study - Credit Mobility

You would like to come to University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as a guest student within the framework of Erasmus+ or a bilateral cooperation? The International Office will help you prepare your stay. 


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