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Overview of all commissioners

Commissioner of the General Equal Treatment Act

Staff member for controlling, capacity concerns, resource allocation models, project and cooperation agreements

Accreditation Commissioner

Head of Quality Management for Studies and Teaching

Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

Professor for inclusive work with people with disabilities and for diversity

Anti-Corruption Commissioner

Staff member for controlling, capacity concerns, resource allocation models, project and cooperation agreements

Occupational Health and Safety Commissioner

Head of event management
Occupational Health and Safety Officer

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement

Reporting Office Commissioner

Staff member for controlling, capacity concerns, resource allocation models, project and cooperation agreements

Appointments Commissioner

University Doctor

Dr. med. Hendrik Ewers

Fire Protection Commissioner

Occupational Safety Specialist

Health Commissioner

Equal Opportunities Commissioner

Inclusion Officer


In the event of a conflict, please send a brief description of the conflict by e-mail to


Professor für Migration (im Ruhestand)

In the event of a conflict, please send a brief description of the conflict by e-mail to

Ombudsperson for good scientific practice

Research Professor for Design of Software Interfaces
Programme Director for Design (M. A.)

Ombudsperson for good scientific practice

Safety Commissioner

Sports Commissioner

Head of Department of Student Affairs
Project management EXA introduction