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Zwei Studierende arbeiten mit historischen Dokumenten. Eine Person davon bl?ttert um. Eine weitere gibt Daten in ein Tablet ein.

Archival Studies (BA)

Apply by 15th of August
Archival Studies (BA)
Student recherchiert in Bibliothek der FH Potsdam

Library Sciences (BA)

Apply by 15th of August
Library Sciences (BA)
Eine Studentin programmiert etwas an einem Laptop

Information Studies (BA)

Apply by 15th of August
Information Studies (BA)
Studierende untersuchen einen Gegenstand

Dual study

Apply by 15th of August
Dual study
WiSe 24/25 - Jetzt bewerben

Start studying in October

Degree programs
Kurz Vorgestellt: Prof. Dr. Franzsika Geib

DAAD Prize 2024

Hadi Daaboul awarded
DAAD Prize 2024


More events
Family Affairs Commissioner Workshop
Zielgruppe: University members, Lecturers, Employees, Students
Location: Campus
Design, Research & Transfer Presentation/Lecture
Exhibition in the FHP Mobile
Zielgruppe: Professional audience
Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN)
Digital Teaching Workshop
29/07/2024, 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Zielgruppe: Lecturers
Location: Online
Digital Teaching Workshop
27/08/2024, 2.00 pm – 2.30 pm
Zielgruppe: Lecturers, Employees
Location: Online
Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der Mitarbeitendumfrage im Stil eines Notizzettels. Text: "Liebe Mitarbeitende der FHP, wie erleben Sie Ihre Arbeit? Was k?nnte noch positiv ver?ndert werden? Durch Ihre Teilnahme an der Mitarbeitendenumfrage tragen Sie dazu bei, die Hochschule als attraktive Arbeitgeberin mitzugestaltenIhre Meinung ist ausdrücklich gefragt!

Application deadline is running: Secure a Deutschlandstipendium from the FH Potsdam

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam awards 300 euros per month to particularly committed and high-achieving students from all faculties as part of the Deutschlandstipendium programme. The scholarship not only honours outstanding academic achievements, but also social commitment and a willingness to take on responsibility.

The application period for the Deutschlandstipendium at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences runs from 1st of June 2024 to 31st of July 2024.

Take your chance & apply now!

Departments & Degree Programmes at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

For 30 years, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has offered a diverse range of courses with a personal working atmosphere in the departments of Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design as well as Information Sciences.

Social and Educational Sciences

Department 1 was the first department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and is also the largest department with approximately 1,000 students.

Social and Educational Sciences


The various degree programmes and focal points of department 2 are interlinked via a cultural and (cultural) design claim.


Civil Engineering

Department 3 has been training young people to become civil engineers for 25 years and has seven laboratories that are used for research and study.

Civil Engineering


Characteristic of department 4 is the close integration of its degree programmes in Interface, Communication and Product Design and European Media Studies.


Information Sciences

Department 5 is known for its study concept of partially integrative training of archivists, librarians and information managers – also called the "Potsdam Model".

Information Sciences

Degree Programmes

Find out about our more than 30 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and the various study options – from full-time face-to-face studies to dual degree programmes and part-time programmes.

Degree Programmes


More news
Kurz Vorgestellt: Prof. Dr. Franzsika Geib
Social and Educational Sciences
Briefly introduced


A brief introduction: Prof Dr Franziska Geib

Prof. Dr Franziska Geib, born in 1987 in Alfeld an der Leine in Lower Saxony, has been a professor in the Department of Social and Educational Sciences since 1 April 2024. She is Professor of Inclusive Work with People with Disabilities and Diversity and the Anti-Discrimination Officer at Potsdam…

Foto vom Fachtag Suchtselbsthilfe
Social and Educational Sciences


Addiction self-help in open men's and women's prisons

On 4th of July 2024, the symposium "Addiction self-help in open men's and women's prisons" took place at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. The occasion was the publication of a qualitative study on addiction self-help in open prisons, which was carried out at the University of Applied…

Studentin benutzt einen Textmarker, um in einer Liste zu markieren. Zu sehen ist die Tischoberfl?che, ein Block, diverse Stifte, sowie die H?nde. Im Hintergrund ist eine Tastatur zu erkennen.
bob体育平台官网 information


Feminism for the holidays - Book presentation in the university library

Presentation of summer literature of current books on the topics of feminism, gender & diversity in the context of society as a whole and the specialist communities in the foyer of the university library

Studierende sitzen in der Bibliothek an einem Tisch
bob体育平台官网 information


Opening Hours of the University Library during the Lecture-Free Period 2024

Please note the changed opening hours of the University Library during the lecture-free period from the 29th of January to the 29th of March 2024.