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The EXIST-Women Funding Programme for FHP Members

Illustration in pink, orange und schwarz mit Faust, Blumen, Vogel und Kreisgrafiken - Text: 360° Zukunft, F?rderlogos

The funding line of the BMWK – Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection – supports women at universities and research institutions who are interested in setting up a business in the first phase of founding a company. The scholarship has been awarded to members and graduates of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since 2023.

Frontalportr?t Anke Lüers-Salzmann

Promoting women in the start-up sector is not just a question of equality, but a strategic investment in diversity and the innovative progress of our society. The funding also marks a milestone on the path to an inclusive and future-orientated corporate culture.

Anke Lüers-Salzmann
Project Coordinator 360° ZUKUNFT / EXIST-Women
Pinkes Bild mit sieben übereinandergelegten H?nden

A significant step towards equal opportunities and empowerment

EXIST-Women gives female FHP members the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the topics of start-ups and self-employment at an early stage. Female graduates, academics, students and women with a professional qualification and a connection to a university of applied sciences can be supported for a period of 12 months. The EXIST-Women funding line includes events, counselling and support services as well as various financial grants for prospective female founders.

During the 12-month qualification programme in the funding period, the prospective female founders are supported in particular in the development of their entrepreneurial personality and the (further) development of their start-up idea. To this end, the funded women also receive local workspace opportunities and support in their search for co-founders, with questions about follow-up financing or other support programmes, such as the EXIST start-up grant.

All information about EXIST-Women

  • Female graduates (graduation also more than 5 years ago), female academics, female students (Bachelor's degree or ≥ half of the coursework completed) and female employees of the FHP
  • Duration of funding: 12 months

  • one-off material resources totalling 2,000 euros (e.g. for coaching, travel expenses, etc.)
  • optional 3-month grant (to bridge a lack of income or low income) of 1,000 – 3,000 euros/month (depending on qualifications) and child allowance
  • networking events to support a nationwide network of female founders
  • customised workshops
  • individual coaching
  • support from a mentor

  • The 360° ZUKUNFT start-up service must apply for funding every year. Accordingly, annual funding from EXIST-Women cannot be guaranteed despite an application by the prospective scholarship holder.
  • An existing or concrete start-up project is not mandatory for the application. In addition, the start-up idea is open to any topic. However, a general interest in starting a business is essential.
  • Even if the programme is possible alongside studies and work, a general motivation and willingness to participate in the events is mandatory.
  • The prerequisite for submitting an application is a short letter of motivation on the reasons for the application, the hoped-for goals of the programme participation and on the person themselves.

EXIST-Women of the FHP

Funding period 2025

  • Maria Kezia Damerow, student (Department of Design)
  • Chang Han, student (Master Design)
  • Maria Chiara Sgarbi, graduate (Department of Design)
  • Noemi Mateus, graduate (Department of Design)
  • Leonie Daase, graduate (Master of Civil Engineering)
  • Adriana Schmitt, graduate (Department of Design)
  • Laura van Altena (research assistant at InNoWest)

Funding period 2023/24

  • Lea Fleck, Alumna (Department of Design)
  • Katja Ilona Grahl, Alumna (Department of Design)
  • Julia Klinski, Alumna (Department of CITY I BUILDING I CULTURE)
  • Sophie Persigehl, student (Department of CITY I BUILDING I CULTURE)
  • Luisa Reissmann, Alumna (Department of Design)
  • Julia Scholz, student (Department of Design)
  • Sophie Warmbrunn, alumna (Department of Social and Educational Sciences)
  • Wenke Wulf, student (Department of Social and Educational Sciences)
  • Betty Zepernick, student (Department of Design)
  • Carolin Zeyher, alumna (Department of Design)
Is it worth it? Voices of former scholarship holders
  • The programme was a great opportunity to acquire knowledge about founding and to meet other interesting female founders. The exchange with the other participants and the mutual encouragement gave me a boost. I had the feeling that I wasn't alone with my thoughts. There was also a lot of input from the many workshops, which took away my fear of this enormous challenge of founding a company, as I now knew what I still had to do and how I could go about it. My awareness has changed for the better since then, my self-esteem has grown greatly thanks to the encouragement of others and I am now more courageous to tackle things.

    Julia Scholz
  • Unfortunately, it is still the case that women often think they are fighting alone! I was therefore primarily interested in getting help with my start-up and becoming part of a network of great women. EXIST Women offers great opportunities here. The connection between the fellow scholarship holders was really beneficial and enriching, we exchanged ideas and if anyone needed help, it was always offered.

    Luisa Reissmann
  • The Exist Women programme is a successful mix of financial support, practical workshops, methodological knowledge and personal reflection. It has not only helped me develop professionally, but also personally. The mentoring and workshops were particularly helpful, providing me with many practical approaches and methods to build up my self-employment in a targeted and step-by-step manner. The dialogue with other participants was inspiring and motivating. I found the opportunity to talk about challenges in a protected environment particularly valuable. Since then, I feel stronger and more confident in my planning and role as a self-employed person.

    Julia Klinski




EXIST-Women 2025: Another Funding Commitment for prospective FHP Founders

The EXIST-Women funding line supports women interested in starting a business at universities and research institutions in the first phase of founding a company. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam also received another grant for 2025.



FHP-Gründerin belegt 2. Platz auf der deGUT

FHP-Design-Absolventin und EXIST-Women-Stipendiatin Luisa Reissmann überzeugt beim Publikumsvoting auf der deGUT in Berlin.


Press release

10 Scholarships awarded in the EXIST-Women Funding Programme

In summer 2023, EXIST-Women, a new funding line of the BMWK – Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, came into force. It supports women at universities and research institutions who are interested in setting up a business in the initial phase of founding a company, particularly in…

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Room 3.01
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