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Guest Auditors

Students who are not pursuing a formal degree but would still like to attend courses (maximum of 8 course hours/semester) can apply for guest auditor status at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam if the places are not needed by enrolled students. A university entrance qualification is not required for this.

Information on guest auditors

Guest students are not enrolled, do not receive a student ID or a semester ticket. They require the consent of the lecturer to attend courses and pay a guest auditor fee. Depending on the number of hours taken, this fee ranges from 15 to 46 Euro per semester. During a guest auditor period (maximum of 8 course hours/semester), no examination credits can be earned or counted towards a later degree program at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Participation in courses during the guest auditor period can be certified.

You can apply for guest auditor status for one semester at the beginning of the semester in the study services area. An extension of the guest auditor status must be applied for again.

Upon approval of the guest auditor application and payment of the fees, a guest auditor certificate will be issued for attendance of the requested courses at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.



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