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Research & Transfer at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Gründer*innen im Flur im Rechenzentrum

Research and transfer at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are characterized by innovative ideas and transdisciplinary cooperation across subject boundaries.

Eine Studentin schaut durch eine Brille auf blaue Bildschirme

Activities in research and transfer

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is an inter- and transdisciplinary university anchored in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region at the interface between urban and rural areas. With our diverse activities in teaching, research, transfer and continuing education and in cooperation with our partners from society and business, we are addressing current societal challenges and foster the development of our region.
In this process the three profile lines "Design ? Build ? Preserve", "Digital Transformation - Urban Futures" and "Forming Society" play a central role. They cluster the diverse issues that we are working on with regional stakeholders and international research partners on the topics of education, living, housing, sustainability and digitalization. Building on this, we develop interdisciplinary and practice-oriented solution applications.

Further information on our research and transfer activities.

Overview of bob体育平台官网s Offered by ZEFT

The Research and Transfer Unit (ZEFT) offers a wide range of support for research and transfer projects, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as in the areas of monitoring and networking. The following graphic provides an overview of the various support services.



ZEFT – Research & Transfer Unit

Room 3.14