Examination bob体育平台官网

The staff of the Examination bob体育平台官网 will accompany you through your entire studies. They manage your study and examination achievements up to the Bachelor's or Master's examination and issue the respective certificates. In addition to the Examination bob体育平台官网, there are the Examination Boards, which perform tasks that are separate from this.
Examination bob体育平台官网
- Registration of final theses (The corresponding registration forms can be found on the respective department pages or portals.)
- Advice on questions concerning study and examination requirements according to the respective study and examination regulations.
- Review of admission requirements and preparation of admission notices for final theses
- Advice on performance overviews
- Posting of recognitions
Office hours/Opening hours
- Tuesday and Thursday: 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 15:30
Ms. Stuppy:
- Tuesday and Thursday: 09:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 14:00
- Please make appointments outside opening hours in advance by phone or e-mail (pruefungs-service@fh-potsdam.de).
- Changes in opening hours will be announced under News.
You find us in the main building/room 017 – 020.
Topic assignment
You choose the topic and the supervisor yourself. Please use the corresponding application form of your department. The examination board will confirm the topic.
With the confirmation of the topic by the examination board, the thesis is registered and the deadline is set. You will be notified of the submission date.
Three copies of the thesis must be submitted by the deadline. In addition, submit the thesis on an electronic medium (e .g. USB stick). Please note that a declaration of independence must be included in each thesis and signed by you personally. Additional information (e. g. on group work) on submitting your thesis can be found in the respective study and examination regulations.
Expert opinion
The Examination bob体育平台官网 will send the thesis to your reviewers for evaluation. If your study and examination regulations provide for a defense of the thesis (oral presentation or colloquium), please contact your reviewers and refer to your study and examination regulations.
Declaration of Independence
With this declaration you assure that you have behaved scientifically correct and that the thesis has been written by you independently and that you have not used any sources other than those indicated.
Preparation of the final documents
After the posting of your last examination performance, the final documents are created. The final documents are signed by the dean and the chairperson of the examination board. The certificate is signed by the dean of the department responsible for the degree program and the president and bears the seal of the university.
Examination Board
According to § 13 of the framework regulations for studies and examinations, the examination boards are bodies of the study program or several study programs. Professors, research assistants and students are represented on the examination board. The examination board makes decisions regarding the subject matter and is therefore responsible, for example, for recognitions, assignment of topics for final theses, application of disadvantage compensation and extension of the processing time of final theses in connection with the framework regulations and the respective study regulations. The examination board is also responsible for deciding on the admission of applicants to the master's degree programs.
Chief Clerk
responsible for the degree programs: