Offers for prospective students

Which degree programme suits me? What is my path to my dream degree? And is a degree programme even for me? We have advice for you from different perspectives – also from the perspective of current students: the campus specialists.
Find out your interests and narrow down your course of study
Brandenburg Interest Test
Are you considering studying at a university in the state of Brandenburg, but don't yet know which degree programme is right for you? Then the interest test of the Brandenburg universities will be a good support for you. The interest test helps you to find out what you like to do and, thanks to its direct link to the Hochschulkompass, identifies a suitable study programme in the state of Brandenburg for you.
Study Interest Test (SIT) - Which study programme suits me?
To find out which degree programme (and place of study) suits you, you should have clarity about your interests, inclinations and talents. The interest test from the Hochschulkompass will help you with this. The results can be confirming or surprising and are intended above all to encourage you to take a closer look at study subjects. You are welcome to come to the student advisory service with the test result to discuss it further.
Our offers at a glance
Personal advice
Can't decide between two degree programmes? Is the degree programme right for you? What should you know for your application? You can get an initial overview of degree programmes and answers to general questions about studying at the Student Counselling bob体育平台官网.
Get to know the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
We have compiled all the information for prospective students on one page. Get to know our degree programmes, departments and services. We show you our campus including the workshops and laboratories that are important for teaching and research.
Online Study Choice Assistant
The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam offers Online Study Choice Assistants (OSA) for the following degree programmes:
They are aimed at prospective students who want to find out whether a degree programme they are already considering is the right one for them.
Campus Specialists
By students for (future) students! The campus specialists are experts on studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
Find degree programmes in Germany
Hochschulkompass of the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK)
This database is maintained by all universities in Germany and provides you with up-to-date information on degree programmes offered throughout Germany.
The "Official Study Guide for Germany" is the name of this platform and is kept up to date by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung and the Bundesagentur für Arbeit.
What can I study in Brandenburg?
The Brandenburg Study Orientation Network sheds light on the range of studies and study conditions in Brandenburg and makes it easy to find the degree programme of your choice at one of Brandenburg's universities.
Degree programmes from the perspective of lecturers
Our lecturers are the key to the study content. We therefore place a lot of emphasis on didactic training and personal components, so that life experiences are passed on to the next generation and at the same time space for new things can emerge. In CampusTalk, teachers from various departments report on their work at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.