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Anti-Corruption Commissioner of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The anti-corruption commissioner is the point of contact for all members of the university for general advice, awareness-raising and clarification as well as in cases of suspected corruption. On this page, you can find out what corruption means in the context of the university, which tasks are derived from this for the AKB and which guidelines form the basis of the work.

Corruption – definition, forms and impact

"Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain or advantage." (General definition of corruption, Transparency International)
"Whether bribery or corruptibility, [...] corruption not only causes material damage, but also undermines the foundations of a society." (Transparency International)

Public institutions such as the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam have a special obligation to prevent corruption. Corruption at the university is possible wherever material or immaterial benefits are obtained by third parties. This is possible, for example, in the awarding of contracts (procurement of equipment or awarding of services), in decisions on the allocation of funds, in the filling of positions, the allocation of study places or in the assessment of examination results.

Preventing corruption requires transparency, regulated procedures and responsibilities, documentation of decisions, monitoring and attention. The federal and state governments have issued laws and guidelines for the public sector, while the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has regulations for its tasks and, for example, a hospitality guideline.


The duties of the Anti-Corruption Commissioner are based on 5.4 of the state government's guideline on corruption prevention.

  • Contact person for employees (also without observing official channels), students and citizens for general advice, including in cases of suspected corruption
  • Advising department management on corruption prevention issues and carrying out risk analyses
  • Educating and sensitizing employees
  • Submitting proposals for suitable preventive measures


Anti-Corruption Commissioner

Staff member for controlling, capacity concerns, resource allocation models, project and cooperation agreements

Deputy Anti-Corruption Commissioner

Head of University Planning and Development