Workshop of the Study Specialisation Mural Painting

In the workshop of the specialist subject of mural painting in the Conservation and Restauration degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, students can carry out detailed investigations on various objects. On the basis of their results, the students develop concepts for the subsequent implementation of their project and final theses.
In the workshop rooms, students have the opportunity to work on mural paintings or stored depot objects and carry out more differentiated research methods on them, create test series in order to try out materials in conservation and restoration and to recreate the respective techniques.
- Workshop: Laboratory and workshop building (LW)/room 247 (77.1 square metres) for project work, documentation
- Workshop: LW/ Room 248 (35.5 square metres) for examination, microscopy, documentation
- Storage room: LW/room 208 (23.4 square metres)
- Workshop manager's office: LW/room 249 (13.6 sqm)
Opening hours
- by arrangement
Einblicke in die Werkstattr?ume der Studienrichtung Wandmalerei
Was in der Werkstatt für Konservierung und Restaurierung, Studienrichtung Wandmalerei, stattfindet:
Arbeiten im normalen Studienbetrieb, Erstellung von Probek?rpern und Untersuchung derselben innerhalb der Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten, Projektarbeitsbesprechungen, Untersuchungen von Probematerialien und Querschliffen am Mikroskop, Seminare, teilweise Durchführung von Kompaktveranstaltungen (Mosaikkurs, Putzhinterfüllungen ...)
Mural | The Terraced End House in Treibjagdweg 14 in the Onkel Tom housing estate
Inventory and examination for historical colourfulness
Mural Painting | Ravensbrück Memorial Site, Former "Neue W?scherei"
In addition to a general inventory of all the rooms in the elongated building of the "former ehem. Neuen W?scherei", a colour survey was carried out within the large dining room as part of the study project.
Mural Painting | denkmal aktiv – Cultural Heritage Goes to School
A cooperation project between the Montessori secondary school in Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Mural Painting | The Mural Removals of the Wrestlers from the Olympic Village/Berlin, Elstal
After the handover of two strapped wall paintings of wrestlers from the "Haus der Nationen" in the Olympic Village, these murals depicting wrestling athletes in typical wrestling poses were to be transferred to a new support and restored.
Wall Painting | The Stucco Frieze in the Ivory Room in the Orangery Palace of Sanssouci Park
Inventory and condition survey of a sample axis of the frieze applications, investigation of the technique, damage and causes as well as reconstruction attempts of stucco mass and form in historical technique.
Wandmalerei | mit Tapete strappierte Deckenmalereien aus der Villa Illaire (SPSG)
Im Auftrag der SPSG sicherten und restaurierten Studierende der FH Potsdam die durch Wassersch?den von der Decke herabgefallenen Tapete aus der Villa Illaire im Park Sanssouci. Sie entwickelten zudem ein Konzept zur Umbettung auf einen neuen Tr?ger und zur Freilegung der Malereireste.