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Practical and inspiring: Lecturers of the Master's degree programme in Social Management provide insights into their expertise and teaching activities as well as their motivation – Marc Schlote

Further education

Experience social management up close! In an exclusive series of interviews, our lecturers give you a look behind the scenes. Learn how practical seminars not only challenge students, but also encourage them. Discover why experienced experts have chosen the FH Potsdam and what insights they have to offer.

Part 1: Marc Schlote

What do you want to teach students enrolled in the Master's programme in Social Management?

With the Marketing and Public Relations seminar, students expand their options in the field of management: they learn what is part of a marketing concept and how public relations work is embedded in it. It is not just about theory, but also about very practical applications – there is a transfer to the students' own work. The aim is therefore for students to be able to strategically advance the marketing and public relations work of their own organisation and also learn the necessary tools for practical application.

What do you incorporate from your professional practice into your seminars?

I have been working in communications for several years, currently as a consultant at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The Marketing and Public Relations seminar is tailored to students from social organisations: In addition to theoretical basics, we deal with topics such as: What makes my organisation special, why is corporate design important, how do I create appealing texts or how do I take good photos? As I am offering the seminar with Pauline Feierabend, Marketing Officer at the State of Berlin, we can cover many different facets. We show what can work well in practice – and what may not. The most important thing is that students should be able to choose what they consider important from a wide range of programmes.

Why did you decide to teach at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam?

I like the atmosphere at the FHP – professionally experienced and professionally skilled students in the Social Management degree programme, modern workspaces on a beautiful campus and an overall informal atmosphere. The collaboration with other lecturers is also excellent and exciting! And if I may add to that: I gain new impressions, ideas and perspectives after every seminar.

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