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Lecture: Leadership Skills today and tomorrow

Collage aus Foto und Illustration, bestehend aus einer Frau mit Krone auf dem Kopf und Arbeitsmaterialien in den Armen

Lecture as part of the Work@Heart certification programme on the requirements for managers with Prof. Dr. Enrico Sass.

A lot has changed in the working world over the past few decades. In recent years in particular, digitalisation and, increasingly, values such as the need for a work-life balance have played and continue to play a major role.

In the lecture with Enrico Sass, the expert in business start-ups and management techniques will provide an insight into the demands placed on current and future managers. In his last book, he explored the question of what skills managers need. He analysed numerous reflective interviews with experts from knowledge-intensive companies. These include CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers below management level and consultants from the field of management coaching.

The lecture will provide an answer to the question of what is understood by management as a key competence now and in the future and which competences and qualifications characterise successful management.

The lecture is part of the kick-off event of the Work@Heart certification programme. Please register via email to The lecture will be broadcast hybrid via Zoom. If you wish to participate online, please send an e-mail.

Target audience: University members Students

26/09/2024, 11.00 am – 12.30 pm

Location: House D
Room: 0.11


ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01
Profilfoto Neslihan Ulrichs
Administration and project controlling Work@heart
Anke Lüers-Salzmann
Project coordination ESF and EXIST, initial consultation