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Lunch Break Presentation Project "A Guidance System for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam"

Ein neues Leitsystem auf dem Campus der Fachhochschule Potsdam
? Designstudio Leitsystem FHP / Zeichnung Lennard Dose

What does it mean for a public institution to plan barrier-free orientation? How can a comprehensive needs analysis be carried out in which people with and without disabilities have a voice? How can a constructive, joint process be initiated?

As part of the planning of a new, inclusive guidance system for the FH Potsdam, the needs of all users with regard to better orientation were recorded in the summer semester of 2024. A particular focus was placed on the requirements of people with disabilities. Students from the design studio Leitsystem organised a feedback week in collaboration with the Inclusion Advisory Board under the motto "Hinkommen, Reinkommen, Klarkommen". The results of this feedback week provided those involved in the project at Studio Leitsystem and the university with valuable information for the further development of an inclusive and barrier-free campus.

Drafts of the current project status will be on display in the foyer of the main building until the end of January. The project will be presented to all interested parties during the lunch break.

Project team

Project management: 
Prof. Christina Poth

Design Studio signage system: 
Lennard Dose MA
Steve G?dickmeier BA
Dipl. Des. Peggy Truxa

Design studio students: 
Annika Ehritt
Michaela Maier
Sebastian Rist 
Natalie Stahl
Clara Wendt


University management: 
Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, President
Gerlinde Reich, Chancellor
Prof. Constanze Langer, Vice President 
for Digitalisation and International Affairs

Inclusion Advisory Board of the FHP:

Prof. Arne von Boetticher
Reimar Kobi
Elias Hopfenmüller
Christian Polack
Maximilian Scheugenpflug
Tobias Schneider
Birgit Türk
Lea Voitel

Construction planning:
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Strohmeyer

University Communications:
Julia von der Heyden
Dorothee Gümpel

Target audience: University members

14/01/2025, 1.00 pm – 1.30 pm

21/01/2025, 1.00 pm – 1.30 pm

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