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Finance Fit – Getting to Grips with your Finances Step by Step

The workshop with financial advisor Henriette Isabel Dieckhoff provides an overview of methods for keeping a better eye on your own finances in order to organise investments and preparations for the future, retirement and the like in a relaxed manner.

The three-hour workshop with financial coach Henriette focuses on private financial organisation from a specifically female perspective and explains the basics of private pension provision with so-called ETFs.

The workshop will cover the following topics, among others:

  • How do I keep track of my finances?
  • Which accounts make sense and what do I need them for?
  • How can I optimise my financial organisation?
  • Why should I make private provisions for old age?
  • What can I do today for my financial future?

The event is a free offer from 360° ZUKUNFT and the Central Equal Opportunities Officer and is aimed at all female employees. Places are limited to 12 participants. The workshop will take place online via Zoom. Registration via e-mail to:

Target audience: Employees

14/11/2024, 9.00 am – 12.00 pm

Please register by e-mail. The Zoom link will then be sent immediately.

Location: Online
Room: via Zoom


ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01