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Projects of the Social and Educational Sciences Department

Degree programme
    "Forschung, Baby!" @diewissenschaftlerinnen

    WIM - Female Scientists in Media

    Opportunities and challenges for women through the digital expansion of traditional science communication


    Blick auf Geb?ude des Martinsstifts im Jahr 1958

    Coming to Terms with the Violent Constellation in the Martinstift (Moers)

    The research project aimed to systematically collect and evaluate the experiences of the persons involved in coming to terms with the constellation of violence in the Protestant alumnat Martinstift in the 1950s.

    Grafische Darstellung der 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung

    Gaming for Sustainability

    In an Interflex seminar, students developed online games on the topic of sustainability.

    Silhouette eines Kindes, das an der Hand eines Erwachsenen l?uft, im Hintergrund die Sonne

    Psychoanalytic-Interactionally Oriented Parent-Child Groups

    The aim of this research and development project is to develop structured, group-based interventions over a period of 24 sessions, accompanied by mixed methods impact research.

    Symbolbild Fu?ballplatz, Nahaufnahme des Rasens mit wei?en Linien

    Stadium Alliances in Football – Current Assessment and Perspectives

    This research project is about a scientific exploration and initial evaluation of the stadium alliances, with the aim of developing transfer perspectives for further implementation and optimisation on site, for transferability to other federal states, as well as foundations for subsequent in-depth scientific evaluations.

    Bunte Papierkugeln um eine Glühlampe und ein gelber Papierflieger, der startet

    laeneAS: The Rural Educational Environments of Young Refugees in Vocational Training

    laeneAs identifies educational barriers and develops innovative educational offers for refugees in two rural real labs in Bavaria and Brandenburg.

    Postkarten-Bild mit students4students-Logo und Logos der F?rderer

    students4students Peer-2-Peer-Mentoring (s4s)

    The "students4students" project was launched in 2021 at the Department of Social Sciences and Education to offer students in their first and second semesters continuous support. The aim is to provide students with targeted counselling to help them succeed in their studies. From winter semester 2023/24, a three-year support and research project will be carried out with funding from the European…

    Junger Mann mit roter Basecap schaut auf sein Smartphone.

    Leaving Care – Experiences of Care Leavers in Poland and Germany

    How do young people in Poland and Germany experience the process of transition from foster families and residential youth groups to independence?

    Blick in den gro?en H?rsaal der FH Potsdam vor Beginn der digitalen Klausur

    Digital Teaching: PeP – Electronic Examination Project

    In the interdisciplinary project "PeP – Projekt elektronische Prüfung", digital examination formats are to be developed, used and evaluated for 12 digitised lectures in four departments at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

    Junge mit Corona-Maske vor dem Gesicht, steht vor heller Wand

    My Family, Corona and Me.

    Family resilience on the test bench – What is and can become. Brandenburg's families in focus.

    Kinder- und Babyspielzeug vor hellblauer Wand

    KindeL – Communication in the First Months of Life

    This pilot project aims to bring together two previously unconnected strands of research and counselling practice. Research on mother-infant interactions (little is available on fathers) clearly shows the interdependence of self-regulation and external regulation. This means that both – including the infant! – actively participate in the dialogical regulation of the interaction and the…

    Strahlend grüne Pflanze in weichem Sonnenlicht

    Basics of Sustainability – Interdisciplinary Online Sustainability Course at FH Potsdam

    The sustainFHP team is developing the first interdisciplinary online sustainability course at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The offer is also aimed at international students, as the course is in English and can be studied asynchronously.