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Projects of the Social and Educational Sciences Department

Degree programme
    Lila Hintergrund mit dem Schriftzug "Antisemitismus im Kontext Schule"

    Antisemitism in the Contexts of Schools and Police – Federal State Study Series

    The research interest of the study series concerns the perceptions and interpretations of antisemitism in schools and within the police as well as the practices of dealing with antisemitic attacks.

    Logo des Projekts BiKA – Beteiligung von Kindern im Kita-Alltag

    BIKA – Participation in Daycare Everyday Life

    BiKA is a joint research project of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Research and Development Institute P?dQUIS?, affiliated institute of the ASH Berlin and cooperating institute of the University of Graz. The study was developed jointly and is carried out under joint responsibility. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

    Sich meldende Schülerinnen und Schüler in einer Grundschule

    Where Is Prevention Needed? Social Space-Oriented Help in the Context of Primary Schools – A Model Project in the Oder Spree District

    This research project was conducted as part of a course at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

    Zwei übereinander gelegte Kinderh?nde pr?sentieren ein Modellhaus

    Exhibition Childhood in the Children's Home

    The exhibition is a cooperation project between the "Gro?es Waisenhaus zu Potsdam" Foundation, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the Filmmuseum Potsdam and experts in welfare research.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts Postdigitale Kunstpraktiken in der Kulturellen Bildung - ?sthetische Begegnungen zwischen Aneignung, Produktion und Vermittlung

    PKKB: Postdigital Art Practices in Cultural Education – Aesthetic Encounters between Appropriation, Production and Mediation

    Research into post-digital art scenes, their spaces of practice, appropriation and reception, and the development of artistic-aesthetic mediation concepts for cultural education in exchange with the research practices carried out.

    Coveransicht des Katalogs zur Ausstellung Kreuz & Quer

    Travelling Exhibition KREUZ & QUER – Life Journeys of Women in Brandenburg

    The exhibition "Kreuz & Quer – Lebenswege von Frauen in Brandenburg" aims to encourage female school leavers to go their own way.

    Drei stilisierte Personen

    Evaluation of the Accommodation Situation of Unaccompanied Underaged Refugees in the State of Brandenburg

    The evaluation study on the situation of unaccompanied minor refugees in Brandenburg builds on the findings of an explorative preliminary study and focuses on the subjective view of the young people.

    Drei stilisierte Personen

    Preliminary Study: Unaccompanied Underaged Refugees in Brandenburg

    Preliminary study "Evaluation der Unterbringungssituation unbegleiteter minderj?hriger Geflüchteter im Land Brandenburg"

    Foto von Hochhaus

    MeGeWoPo: Multi-generational living in the "Platte"

    Community and intergenerational transfer for a self-determined lifestyle in old age

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts EQUIP

    EQUIP – Development of Quality and Interaction in Pedagogical Everyday Life

    A cooperative practice research programme by University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam on quality development in early education

    Eingangsbereich einer Kita mit Kleiderhaken und daran h?ngenden Kinderjacken

    Federal Programme Sprach-Kita

    The federal programme "Sprach-Kitas" aims to sustainably improve the provision of language education in Kitas.

    Zwei Erwachsene und ein Kind in einer Beratungssituation

    Early Counselling for Parents with Infants and Toddlers in the State Capital Potsdam

    Problems in the developmental phase of early childhood experience and behaviour (approx. 0 - 3 years) bear special characteristics. Above all, a sharp delineation of individual behavioural and functional areas is not yet possible. In addition, there is the immense dependence of the infant on its caregivers. This is expressed by the British paediatrician and psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott: "There is…