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Gaming for Sustainability

In an Interflex seminar, students developed online games on the topic of sustainability.

Grafische Darstellung der 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung
? App Campus
Interdisciplinary project (InterFlex)
University Innovation Fund

In 2015, the global community adopted the Agenda with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). for sustainable development. However, their swift implementation and correct application remains a challenge. We are confronted with greenwashing cases by companies, feel overwhelmed and alone in the face of many crises, or do not know the big effective levers.

Games are particularly well suited for conveying systemic connections and allow interaction and intensive immersion and thus a completely new experience of topics. From a project perspective, this is an opportunity to tackle the knowledge-behaviour gap in the field of sustainability. This project therefore combines game design with sustainability awareness to obtain innovative and scalable approaches for transformation.

As part of an Interflex seminar in the summer semester of 2022, students from several disciplines at the FHP therefore created a variety of games themselves under the direction of Judith Ackermann, Rebecca Freitag and Laijana Braun. These are based on fundamental sustainability principles, which are conveyed through linking narratives and mechanics in the game.

The results are available at and on the project's Instagram account @sustainfhp . The games are aimed at young people aged 14 and over and are designed for use in educational institutions. The educational scenarios designed in the project will be added here in the course of the last quarter of 2022 and can alternatively already be requested by email.

The project builds on the results of sustainFHP and was funded within the framework of the university's own innovation fund.


Project management

Research Professor for Digital Media and Performance in Social Work

Project participants