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CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Department Profile: Digital Transformation – Urban Futures Forming Society Design ? Build ? Preserve

Arts Management and Cultural Work (BA)

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The arts management and cultural work degree programme has a generalist orientation and combines cultural, media and social science issues with topics from business administration and management studies. It imparts theoretical and application-oriented knowledge and enables you to try out concrete work situations in projects.

Bachelor of Arts
Full time
Course language:
Standard study period:

8 semesters

Start of study:
Winter semester
Application deadline:

15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission) | Dates of the selection interviews: 27/06 – 28/06 und 18/07 – 19/07

Admission requirements:
General university entrance qualification/entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences/ equivalently recognised prior vocational training

240 ECTS credits

Module Manuals & Regulations

Cultural work as the shaping of social and aesthetic processes

The study of arts management and cultural work prepares students for cultural mediating and producing fields of activity in the non-profit and profit sectors. It qualifies them to intervene and mediate at the interfaces of artistic production, public interest and the market. With us, cultural workers acquire an understanding of the historicity and dynamics of culture, can reflect critically on it and defend their own responsible actions in current debates with good reasons. The programme comprises four central teaching areas: Cultural and social change, culture and management, culture and mediation, media cultural work.

Is this degree programme right for me?

A central focus throughout the degree programme is on project work. As a cross-sectional discipline, it is represented by all teaching areas of the degree programme. The teaching of theoretical and practical basic knowledge is followed by implementation in practice. You develop a project idea in a working group and carry out the project on your own responsibility. This results in a wide variety of projects (exhibition, concert, discussion series, reading, etc.). International cultural work has been a special focus of the programme since its inception. Our study structure allows you to spend one or two semesters abroad.

You bring these qualities with you

  • Interest in learning about cultural-political and cultural-historical, aesthetic-artistic and social discourses.
  • Desire to learn the methodology of project work in order to use it to shape cultural and social processes of change.
  • Intention to participate in these processes of change with one's own position
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to think and act in an interdisciplinary way
  • Willingness to work both regionally and internationally

Podcast of the Campus Specialists

As campus specialists, Nicolai and Basti share insider knowledge about the arts management and cultural work degree programme. In addition to tips and information about the degree programme, they provide insights into student life at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Information day for prospective students on the 18th of June 2024

Would you like to get to know the course content better, talk to students and discover the campus? Come to the info day of the arts management and cultural work degree programme of the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE department on the 18th of June!


The colleagues at the student counseeling service provide information to prospective students, first-year students, parents, teachers and students on all general questions about the degree programme. For specific questions and concerns about the bachelor's programme in arts management and cultural work, please contact the programme office.

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Room 102

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Career Prospects

Career prospects

Career opportunities arise in the public cultural sector, with independent organisations, in the cultural industry and as a freelance entrepreneur.

Possible areas of application

  • Project development
  • Cultural mediation
  • Management in cultural institutions and projects
  • Media work
  • Politics and education
  • Marketing

In which professional fields do alumni and alumnae work?

Prof. Dr. Helene Kleine conducted two retention studies in which you can read about the professional fields in which alumni and alumnae of the arts management and cultural work degree programme work.

Whereabouts study 2020

Whereabouts study 2013

Study Content

Course of studies

The standard period of study for the full-time degree programme in arts management and cultural work is eight semesters and concludes with a bachelor of arts degree.

Semester 1

Foundation course: compulsory subjects

Semester 2 Basic studies: compulsory subjects, compulsory electives
Semester 3 – 4 Basic studies: compulsory subjects, compulsory electives, project work
Ssemester 5 Practical course
Semester 6 Advanced studies: compulsory subjects, compulsory electives, project work
Optional: Semester abroad
Semester 7 Main study period: elective seminars, project work
Semester 8 Bachelor thesis, colloquium

Study content

In the currently valid module handbooks, study and examination regulations and statutes, you will find the module overview, a detailed description of the modules and study contents, the study plan as well as the statutes for the implementation of the selection procedure for the study programme arts management and cultural work.

Teaching formats

  • (Interdisciplinary) Seminars
  • Lectures
  • Exercises
  • Workshops
  • Reading courses
  • Project work
  • Excursions
  • Colloquium

Compulsory modules

  • Fundamentals of Cultural Work I: Culture and Work
  • Fundamentals of Cultural Work II: Cultural Management
  • Fundamentals of Cultural Work III: Media, Art and Mediation
  • Cultural and social change
  • Culture and Management
  • Media cultural work
  • Culture and mediation
  • Contexts of cultural work
  • Interdisciplinary Complement
  • Bachelor Colloquium

Elective modules

  • Aesthetics in Theory and Practice
  • International Perspectives
  • Project work
  • Cultural and social change
  • Culture - Communication - Economy
  • Media Cultures
  • Cultural translations
  • Aesthetic processes and discourses
  • Interdisciplinary supplement
  • Profile module


In the 5th semester, you complete a 20-week compulsory internship in a practical field of arts management and cultural work.


  • Bachelor thesis
  • Colloquium

Teaching areas

The programme comprises four central teaching areas, which are assigned to the professorships of the programme. Other teaching areas are the responsibility of all lecturers.

The subject of cultural and social change reflects on processes of change in their historical conditionality on a social science basis. The examination of classical and contemporary cultural studies theories enables access to different conditions of cultural action. The study of empirical cultural research sharpens the view of transformations on a local, regional and global level.

The subject culture and management reflects the economic and legal dimensions in cultural enterprises across the public, private and non-profit sectors and teaches management skills, especially in project management.

The teaching area of culture and mediation sees its task as translation work that focuses on the space between recipients, cultural and artistic productions and institutions. The interdisciplinary field teaches theoretical foundations against the background of an expanded concept of mediation and develops a theory-guided practice from this, which is applied in project seminars.

The field of media cultural work is dedicated to the medial constitution of cultures in a historical and systematic perspective. For this purpose, content from the history of media, technology and culture, philosophy and aesthetics is taught and applied to artistic and cultural practices, which extend to the programming of digital devices and their critique.

The teaching area of aesthetics in theory and practice is a cross-sectional task for all teachers. It teaches the most important positions and discourses of aesthetics as well as the theory and history of cultural genres and formats. The focus is on the connections between aesthetic reflection, cultural practice and social and media development.

In the international studies field, inter- and transcultural aspects of cultural work are examined and reflected upon. Semesters and excursions abroad as well as international projects offer the opportunity for cross-border experiences and exchange.

Project work takes place in all teaching areas of the degree programme. During the basic studies, theoretical and practical basic knowledge is taught and applied within the framework of the project workshop. In the advanced studies, further research and teaching projects are added, which include, for example, exhibitions, publications or concerts.

Studentin schaut in einer Lehrveranstaltung auf ein Dokument

In study

On the pages of the CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE department you will find further useful information and documents on the degree programme, for example on the organisation of studies, the course catalogue and internship matters. In addition, current projects from the fields of study are presented there.

Application & Contact

Dates & requirements for your application

The most important deadlines, dates and admission requirements for the bachelor's degree programme in arts management and cultural work are compiled here. You can find out which steps you need to take for a successful application in the next section.


  • 18th of June: Info day for Arts Management and Cultural Work
  • until 15th of July: register and submit online application
  • until 15th of July: apply for a higher semester to continue a degree programme you have already started at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Access requirements

  • General university entrance qualification according to the Brandenburg university act: General university qualification or entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences or previous vocational training recognised as equivalent

This is how you apply!

In the following, we explain to you which aspects you should pay attention to from the registration for the central allocation of study places to the matriculation (enrolment).

The degree programme participates in the central allocation of study places, the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV) via For the winter semester, you must register at hochschulstart. de from 15 May to 15 July and then create and submit your application in the MyCampus university portal of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Let us guide you through the procedure step by step and use our DoSV-Guide.

Documents to be submitted

When applying online in the MyCampus university portal, the following documents must be submitted as PDF files in the application portal:

  • If applicable, university entrance qualification
  • Proof of professional or other previous experience relevant to the field of work, if applicable
  • If applicable, university degree certificate and justification for taking up a second course of study
  • Proof of service, if applicable
  • Proof(s) of hardship application or application for compensation for disadvantages, if applicable


After you have completed your online application in the MyCampus university portal, you will receive a personal checklist with the following information:

  • List of all supporting documents that you have uploaded as PDF files according to the information you provided in your online application.
  • Notes on the further course of the procedure

Selection procedure

Applicants who fulfil the admission requirements take part in the procedure for awarding places.
In the allocation procedure for the first semester, the following are deducted in advance from the number of places to be allocated:

  • All applicants who could not accept an earlier admission due to service and all applicants who belong to the national squad of a national sports federation of the German Olympic Sports Confederation
  • 11 % for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification
  • 3 % for applicants for a second degree
  • 3 % for applicants who are to be considered on the basis of hardship.

The remaining places are allocated 80 % according to the result of a university selection procedure and 20% according to waiting time.

The result of the university selection procedure is determined on the basis of the following criteria (weighting in brackets):

  • Average grade of the higher education entrance qualification (60 %)
  • Selection interview (40%)

Notes on the selection interview

  • The number of participants in the selection interview will be limited to three times the number of places to be awarded in the university selection procedure. The order of the applicants to be invited (the so-called ranking list) is determined on the basis of the average grade of the university entrance qualification.
  • Applicants who occupy a correspondingly high place on the ranking list receive further information on the selection interview with the personal checklist.
  • The criteria for the selection interview can be found in the selection statutes, which can be found on the pages of the study organisation in the arts management and cultural work programme.


Following the university selection procedure, places are awarded in the dialogue-oriented service procedure via Applicants with a correspondingly high ranking receive a temporary offer of admission via Hochschulstart, which they can actively accept. Further information on the coordination phase on can be found in our DoSV Guide.

Once you have accepted the offer of admission, you will receive your notification of admission from Hochschulstart. If you do not accept the offer of admission by the deadline, the ranking list will continue to be processed and the study place will be reallocated.

Have you accepted your place at university via Then you have the option of submitting an enrolment application for the upcoming winter semester in the MyCampus university portal of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.

Once you have submitted your online application for enrolment, please submit the printed and signed application together with all required documents in paper form by the deadline. The day of the enrolment deadline is decisive for the submission of the documents, whereby the date of receipt by post at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is decisive.

Documents to be submitted

  • University entrance qualification
  • If applicable, further documents according to the enrolment application form.

Do you have questions about the enrolment process at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? We have compiled frequently asked questions and answers regarding enrolment and admission.

Start your studies

After you have successfully completed the application process, we recommend that you take a look at the start of studies page of the degree programme in arts management and cultural work. There you will find important information and dates regarding the start of your studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Further information

The following links provide you, and especially international applicants, with further information on the topics of application and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

International applicants

You would like to apply for studies from the first or a higher semester and have acquired your school-leaving qualification and/or university degree abroad? Then you can have degrees and achievements acquired abroad recognised and study with us.

Application & Enrolment Procedure

The application and study service provides information and advice on general questions regarding the application process, admission and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, application for a higher semester, but also on topics such as compensation for disadvantages, part-time studies, waiting semesters and hardship applications.

Contact & bob体育平台官网s

The student counselling service provides information and advice on general questions about studying as well as on topics such as choosing a degree programme, application, enrolment and study organisation.

For subject-specific questions on module content, credit transfer, examinations or specialisations in the arts management and cultural work degree programme, the subject counselling service is the right place to go.

Subject Counselling bob体育平台官网 & Office of the Degree Programme

Student Counselling bob体育平台官网

Room 102

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Room 014

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Student Financing

Room 3.02a

Family Affairs Commissioner

Room 026

Office hours

Tue and Thu 9.30 am – 1.30 pm

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement

Contact Persons Department of Student Affairs

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