Evaluation Study of the Parents' Information App "elina" in the Elbe-Elster District
The Parents' Information App is a digital information platform developed by the Elbe-Elster district that is aimed at pregnant women or parents with newborns and small children up to the age of 3. The aim is to provide comprehensive, mobile and easily accessible information on services offered by the district on the topics of pregnancy, birth and family.

- Federal Early Help Foundation
- Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the State of Brandenburg
- IFFE e.V.
The evaluation was funded by the Federal Foundation for Early Intervention. The Federal Foundation for Early Intervention provides long-term support for early intervention networks and promotes the provision of services and support for families with infants and young children.
Early prevention services are available to parents from pregnancy onwards and to families with children up to the age of three. They should initially be accessible to all (expectant) parents at a low threshold and are aimed in particular at families in challenging life situations.
Aims of the evaluation of the elina app:
- To assess the acceptance of the app by the (potential) target group.
- To record needs, wishes and concerns in relation to the app.
- To record the strengths and weaknesses of the app as reported by users.
- Assessment of the results with regard to possible conclusions and recommendations
Methodological procedure:
To evaluate the app and address the guiding questions, a focus group approach in mixed method design was developed, combining the qualitative approach of the group discussion with a standardised survey of the focus group participants.
The selection of the participants in the discussion is based on a criterion-oriented case selection (selective sampling). The sampling includes (expectant) parents who regularly participate in a parent-child group and the professionals who accompany them. Parents in challenging life situations are also selected. The data collection is carried out by means of guided interviews in various parent-child groups in the districts of Elbe-Elster and Potsdam-Mittelmark and a subsequent supplementary questionnaire survey.

Project management
Project participants
- Pauline Dalla-Marta, M. A. (research assistant)
- B?rbel Derksen, Dipl. Psych. (IFFE e.V.)
- Jenny Troalic, M. A. (Start gGmbH)