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European Media Studies (MA)

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The Master's degree programme in european media studies is a cooperative programme of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam. The programme combines aesthetic-theoretical and cultural-historical knowledge with practical media technology and design. Fundamental questions about theories, histories and manifestations of the media are combined with conceptual strategies. Reflecting on and with media promotes research work that independently merges theory and practice.

Master of Arts
Full time
Course language:
Standard study period:

4 semesters

Start of study:
Winter semester
Application deadline:

until 01/06 at the University of Potsdam

Admission requirements:
First professional university degree

120 ECTS credits


One Master's, two universities!

Studentin schaut in einer Lehrveranstaltung auf ein Dokument

In the Master's programme european media studies, perspectives of cultural and media studies are taught with consideration of current research. The focus is on questions of media theory, media aesthetics and media art as well as on investigations of concrete media configurations, strategies and media culture history(s). A comprehensive overview of the methods and history of media theories and media cultures will be developed. In the sense of the European idea of transnational connections, this is transnationally oriented, but does not remain limited to Europe in its international perspective. Explicitly and in the awareness that Europe is constituted in exchange, interaction and also in conflicts with other regions, european media studies transcends territorial and cultural boundaries, pursues media studies issues on this side and beyond European traditions and thus enables a critical examination of European history and the present.

The profile of a transdisciplinary and cross-university approach, which is unique in the German university landscape, consists of the close interweaving of theoretical reflection and analysis with practical media design and conception. Here you will be taught to expose theoretical positions (as aesthetic research) in practical work, to reflect on these in projects themselves and to proceed in the same way with the media practices of theoretical work (such as writing). Characteristic of the european media studies degree programme is a high supervision ratio between lecturers and students. During your studies, you will have access to audio, video and photo studios, to computer and editing labs as well as to the largest computer game collection at a German university.

Further information on the website of the EMW degree programme

Is this degree programme right for me?

In the Master's degree in european media studies, you will be enabled to deal independently and critically with media and cultural theories as well as to realise your own media projects at an advanced level. The Master's programme thus responds to the flexibility of the labour market in the field of media, to the high expectations of independent creative work as well as to the permanent change in the contemporary media landscape. One of the most important components of the degree programme is the critical analysis of various issues from the fields of media, culture, art and history.

You bring these qualities with you

  • Enjoyment of media, culture, art, history and theory
  • Independence and curiosity
  • Interest in research, argumentation and discussion
  • Enjoying the combination of practice and theory
  • Desire for experimental work in small groups
  • Willingness to do research-related work and projects

Podcast of the Campus Specialists

Jana and Nicola study european media studies and, as campus specialists, inform prospective students about their degree programme. In the podcast, they share their personal impressions of student life and their studies.


The colleagues at the student counselling service provide information to prospective students, first-year students, parents, teachers and students on all general questions about studying. For specific questions and concerns about the degree programme european media studies please contact the subject counselling service.

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Room 102

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Student Counselling University of Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Heiko Christians
University of Potsdam
European Media Studies
Institute for Arts and Media
Campus Neues Palais, House 1/Room 1.01.111

+49 331 977-4171

Please send enquiries and appointments by e-mail.

These degree programmes might also interest you

More courses
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Design (MA) German Summer semester, Winter semester
15/06 – 15/08 and 05/02 – 02/03 (restricted admission)
Registration for the qualifying examination: by 15/06 for the winter semester / by 15/12 for the summer semester
European Media Studies (MA) German Winter semester
until 01/06 at the University of Potsdam
Career Prospects

Career Prospects

In response to the permanent change in the media landscape, the Master's degree programme in european media studies teaches advanced skills in the analysis, conception and criticism of the media. During your studies, you will be enabled to deal independently and critically with media and cultural theories and to realise your own media projects at an advanced level. This will enable you to confidently meet the flexibility required by this working environment as well as the high expectations of independent creative work in your everyday professional life.

Perspectives in the field of media

The degree programme european media studies imparts the theoretical and practical basics that are relevant when working in the following professional fields:

  • Publishing houses and print media (feature pages, media-specific and academic programmes)
  • Radio and television (editing, conception and criticism)
  • Internet and hypermedia (online editing)
  • Curatorial work (festivals, museums)
  • Editing for media-aesthetic fields (film and video production)
  • Public relations and marketing
  • (international) cultural management
  • Media production (format development and format analysis)
  • Media services
  • independent media production and services

Prospects in the field of science and research

The Master's programme in european media studies provides a good basis for scientific research-oriented work in the academic field in the entire spectrum of media research. There is the possibility to follow up with a doctoral programme.

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More courses
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Design (MA) German Summer semester, Winter semester
15/06 – 15/08 and 05/02 – 02/03 (restricted admission)
Registration for the qualifying examination: by 15/06 for the winter semester / by 15/12 for the summer semester
European Media Studies (MA) German Winter semester
until 01/06 at the University of Potsdam
Study Content

Course of studies

The standard period of study for the full-time degree programme european media studies is four semesters and concludes with a Master of Arts degree.

Semester 1 Compulsory modules
Semester 2 – 3 Compulsory modules, interdisciplinary supplementary studies
Semester 4 Research colloquium, Master's thesis

The two-year Master's programme focuses on imparting skills and knowledge in order to be able to view media processes according to criteria of cultural conditionality and general media strategies. Learn more about the study structure of the european media studies programmes.

Study Content

A detailed description of the course contents, study plans and descriptions of individual modules of the degree programme european media studies can be found in the subject-specific regulations of the University of Potsdam as well as in the course catalogue of the degree programme.

Teaching formats

The knowledge transfer in the research-oriented degree programme european media studies (M.A.) takes place in lectures and seminars. In addition, students can work independently in projects.

  • Seminars
  • Projects
  • Lectures
  • Colloquia
  • Excursions
  • Project weeks

Compulsory modules

  • Medium and Mediality
  • Configurations of the analogue and digital
  • Visuality, Narrativity and Performativity
  • Media design
  • Non-linear narration
  • Medial environments

Interdisciplinary Complementary Studies

  • Deepening depending on the area of interest for individual focal points

Project work

The aim of the project module is to develop and carry out initial small research projects or independent projects.


During the last semester, you will write your Master's thesis and will be accompanied in the process by a research colloquium.

Application & Contact

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Further information and contacts at the University of Potsdam can be found on the website of the EMW programme.

Contact & postal address for application

University of Potsdam
Secretariat of European Media Studies
Stephanie Rymarowicz
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam

Location: Neues Palais 10, House 1/Room 1.01.208
+49 331 977-4160

Student Counselling bob体育平台官网 University of Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Heiko Christians
European Media Studies
Institute for Arts and Media
University of Potsdam

Location Neues Palais, House 1/Room 1.01.111
+49 331 977-4171

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Room 102

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Room 3.02a

Family Affairs Commissioner

Room 026

Office hours

Tue and Thu 9.30 am – 1.30 pm

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement