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Stone | Stone Record in Gro?jena

Care and conservation of anthropogenically damaged and already restored natural stone objects against the special background of their integration into surrounding moisture and salt transport processes using the example of the Steinernen Album in Gro?jena

Ansicht des Reliefs von Christus in der Kelter des Steinernen Albums in Gro?jena.
? Jeannine Meinhardt
Research project
Cooperation partners:
  • Restorer Peter Fiedler
  • Fokus GmbH Leipzig
  • MPA University of Stuttgart
  • Saxony-Anhalt State Office for Monument Conservation and Archaeology
  • Institute for Diagnostics and Conservation of Monuments in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt e.V.
Funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, reference: 33821/01


The so-called Steinernes Album is located above the Unstrut Valley, in the immediate vicinity of Naumburg, in southern Saxony-Anhalt. It consists of 12 larger-than-life reliefs that were carved into the red sandstone over a length of approx. 180 metres in the Baroque period. In 2022, this monument will celebrate its 300th anniversary. The reliefs show Old Testament motifs, most of which relate to viticulture. But Duke Christian of Saxony-Weissenfels, in whose honour the Stone Album was created, is also depicted.

In terms of content, the project was dedicated to the many aspects of weathering or the long-term preservation of the 12 reliefs, which had already been comprehensively restored at the end of the 1990s. Despite this large-scale measure and although a monitoring and maintenance concept was planned in an exemplary manner immediately after the restoration campaign at that time, which has also been implemented regularly since then, the damage dynamics objectively assessed in the project are immense.

The DBU research project was concerned on the one hand with researching the causes of this and also with adapting the conservation and restoration care measures.

Important points in the analysis of the causes are the extreme exposure of the reliefs in the rock, its gypsum load and the partly massive biogenic growth. The concrete questions and results of the investigation as well as the results of the numerous sample areas, which were created above all with reference to the effects of the gypsum plastering of the surfaces, the old preservations as well as with reference to the possibility of re-treatment and the handling of the partly massive biogenic colonisation, were presented in the lecture – in the context of the final colloquium on 10.06.2022 – by Prof. Dr. Jeannine Meinhardt.

Final papers

The research project was developed and implemented with the significant participation of students in the stone department. Several practical theses as well as Bachelor's and Master's theses were written and successfully completed.

Master's theses:

  • Benjamin Hübner (SoSe 2017): "Die langfristige Pflege und Erhaltung stark belasteter Objekte im anstehenden Gestein – Entwicklung eines mineralischen Kompressenputzes zum Schutz anthropogen gesch?digter Oberfl?chen im anstehenden Gestein am Beispiel des Steinernen Albums in Gro?jena"
  • Janosch Klein (WiSe 2021/22): "Untersuchungen zur Festigung vergipster Sandsteinoberfl?chen mit Kiesels?ureester am Beispiel des Steinernen Albums in Gro?jena"
  • Joann Zilm (in progress, SoSe 2023): "Untersuchung zur Auswirkung von Reinigungsma?nahmen auf die Wiederbesiedlung biogener Bewüchse auf Sandstein sowie die Ermittlung der Wirksamkeit ausgew?hlter ?therischer ?le als pr?ventive Ma?nahme zur Hemmung einer biogenen Wiederbesiedlung"

Bachelor thesis:

  • Joann Zilm (SoSe 2018): "Entwicklung eines Steinerg?nzungsm?rtels für freibewitterten Buntsandstein im Zusammenhang mit dem langfristigen Erhalt des Steinernen Albums in Gro?jena"

Project management

Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Stone