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Design ? Build ? Preserve

 Historische und moderne Architekturdekoration in Samarkand, Usbekistan
? Prof. Dr. Steffen Laue

Within the research focus "Design ? Build ? Preserve", researchers, teachers and students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam develop solutions for sustainable urban development, innovative urban development, efficient planning and the preservation of buildings. Together, we are shaping the future of construction and working towards a sustainable and liveable environment for future generations.

How do we preserve what was designed yesterday to use tomorrow?

The profile line "Design ? Build ? Preserve" combines engineering, cultural science and conservation/restoration perspectives with a design approach. The teaching and research interests focus on urban development and urban planning, planning and urban development approaches in analysis and design, sustainable implementation in concrete new buildings as well as building in the existing fabric or building conservation. This creates a unique profile that explores the question of the future of our past.

This interdisciplinary perspective gives rise to projects and foundations for the development of new, sustainable and inclusive concepts that consider urban planning, architectural, building construction and social problems.

Interdisciplinary approach

With regard to urban development and urban planning, the profile line spans an interdisciplinary perspective between planning and urban planning approaches in analysis and design, sustainable implementation in concrete new construction, and building in the existing fabric or building preservation, to social science approaches to citizen participation and analyses in the tradition of Citizen Science projects as instruments of neighbourhood development.

It wants to make the data and building plans collected in the process, as well as findings on materials and techniques in the interaction of architects and civil engineers with the information sciences and the existing focus "Digital Transformation – Urban Future", accessible so that they can be used as best practice models for future building projects or also for the refurbishment and re-use of existing buildings.

Research & Transfer

Heterogeneous research and transfer projects that combine across the fields of building materials research, restoration and artistic design to form a format for sustainable building development that is unique in Germany are to be promoted and strengthened in the long term within the profile line "Design ? Build ? Preserve".

To this end, the existing laboratory infrastructure (laboratories and workshops in the fields of civil engineering, architecture and urban planning and restoration) will be expanded over the next few years on the one hand, and on the other hand, resources from the innovation fund have been reserved to kick-start research projects and establish research professorships.

Study & Teaching

A joint degree programme transfers methods, findings and innovations into teaching from the very beginning. With the Master's programme "Building Preservation and Construction in Existing Contexts", there is already a joint programme that is aimed at students of architecture and urban planning as well as civil engineering.

Graduates of the university are enabled to work on the constructional issues of the European city of tomorrow from a science-led, multi-disciplinary perspective.


More projects
Fotografie des ?Haus in der Sonne? in Potsdam-Babelsberg, 1913–14

The Architect Emilie Winkelmann: Work, Influence and Impact

Emilie Winkelmann (1875 – 1951) was the first woman to open her own architectural practice in Germany in 1907. At a time when women could only enrol at German universities in exceptional cases and the professional field of architecture was still entirely in the hands of men, Winkelmann was able to establish herself as a sought-after architect in Berlin. The project focuses on her built work, her…

Postkarte EVW Schwedt

Innovation Campus Schwedt an der Oder – A New Location for Green Energy

Today, Germany's refineries are at a turning point, the challenges of the energy transition are becoming increasingly tangible and a rethink is taking place. This is where the project comes in and uses the example of the PCK refinery in Schwedt an der Oder to look for concepts for a forward-looking orientation and reorganisation of the site.

Karte von Pompeji mit Fallstudien

Learning from Pompeii (view from the North). The ancient urban form for the future city

As part of the Erasmus + KA131 Blended Intensive programme, students have the opportunity to engage intensively with the city of Pompeii in both a digital and analogue component and to derive new design ideas through international exchange.


Schr?gansicht der L?ngsseite des Gehilfenhauses der Melonerie im Park Sanssouci

Servants' Lodge of the Melonerie in Sanssouci Park

Draft of a refurbishment strategy in line with heritage requirements

Besch?digtes Fachwerkhaus mit Baugerüst

Institute for Building Research & Conservation

The Institute for Building Research and Conservation (IBB), founded in 2004 at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, is dedicated to science, research and development with a focus on building conservation, the preservation of historical buildings and restoration. The institute carries out technology-oriented projects in the fields of building diagnostics, substance preservation and archaeometry. It cooperates with regional and Eastern European partners such as universities, companies and public institutions to promote knowledge transfer and strengthen research activities.

Institute for Building Research & Conservation

Profile Line Day 2023

On 28 June 2023, the first profile day "Design ? Build ? Preserve" took place. The event offered university members the opportunity to gain an interdisciplinary insight into the range of interdisciplinary courses, to get to know current projects and to exchange ideas with colleagues and students. In addition to scientific content and exciting research projects, researchers, teachers, staff and students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam were also able to explore the associated laboratories, labs and workshops.

Study programmes in the profile line "Design ? Build ? Preserve"

More courses
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Architecture and Urban Design (BA) German Winter semester
15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Architecture and Urban Design (MA) German Winter semester
15/05 – 15/06 (restricted admission)
Archival Sciences (MA) German Winter semester
22/05 – 30/06/ in odd-numbered calendar years (admission restricted)
Archival Studies (BA) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/08 (free of admission)
Arts Management and Cultural Work (BA) German Winter semester
15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission) | Dates of the selection interviews: 27/06 – 28/06 und 18/07 – 19/07
Civil Engineering (BEng) German Winter semester
15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Civil Engineering | Dual (BEng) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)
Conservation and Restauration (BA) German Winter semester
15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Registration for the qualifying examination: 01/11 – 18/01
Conservation and Restauration (MA) German Summer semester
15/01 – 10/03 (free of admission)
Infrastructure Systems (BEng) German Winter semester
15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Infrastructure Systems | Dual (BEng) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)
Ing?Bau: Preservation and Construction Work in Structural Engineering (MSc) German Summer semester, Winter semester
15/12 – 15/02 and 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Library Sciences (BA) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/08 (free of admission)
MEng Building Conservation and Construction Work on Existing Buildings German Summer semester
15.12. – 15.02. (admission restricted)
Product Design (BA) German Winter semester
15/06 - 15/07 (free of admission)
Urban Futures (MA) German Winter semester
15/05 – 15/06 (restricted admission)
Urban Water Management | Dual (BEng) German Winter semester
15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)