Multimedia and Video Lab

In the video workshop, digital video editing and post-production is possible on 4 Mac workstations. In addition, a video studio, an animation studio and an audio workshop with a voiceover booth are available.
Opening hours
Opening hours and reservation
Technology lending during the semester:
- wednesdays from 10:00 – 16:00
- Thursdays from 14:00 – 16:00
Technology lending during the lecture-free period:
- 10:00 – 16:00
Audio/video lab: Introduction to audio-visual work: see Incom
In the video workshop, digital video editing and post-production is possible on 4 Mac workstations. In addition, a video studio, an animation studio and an audio workshop with a voiceover booth are available.
Head of Multimedia Lab
Professor for Multimedia Design, Multimedia, Motiongraphics
Video lab management
Head of the Video lab