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H?nde und Figuren erkl?ren eine Aufstellung
? Andrea Hansen

Systemic constellations are a method of systemic intervention with lasting effects. They are used in various psychosocial practice areas such as counselling, coaching, supervision, mediation and therapy. They also find constructive application in organisational development and management consultancy. Our certificate course is aimed at people who are already familiar with systemic thinking, have experience with systemic constellations and would like to professionalise their knowledge and skills. The workshop for systemic constellations can be attended as preparation or as a supplement.


25/09/2025 – 12/06/2026

New dates on request
Registration end:
Certificate Course
University certificate

10 ECTS credit points


Degree/professional training + professional experience & a certified, additional methodological qualification + demonstrable experience with constellations

Educational leave:

Recognised in Brandenburg and Berlin

Our Lecturers
  • Profilbild von Heiko Kleve

    Constellations open up cognitive, emotional and actional spaces in which our issues can unfold and be rearranged in terms of how we think, feel and act. This makes them a particularly powerful format for reflecting on and constructively stimulating our psycho-social world. What this means in practice can be experienced in the workshop.

    Prof. Dr. Heiko Kleve
    Scientific director
  • Profilbild von Andrea Berreth

    My work as a coach and constellation facilitator is characterised by mindfulness and openness to everything that arises. I enter the process without any preconceived ideas. In line with solution-focused work, I see my clients as experts in their own lives and respect their self-determination. An atmosphere of trust and mutual support is important to me in both individual and group work.

    Dr. Andrea Berreth
    Course management
  • Thomas Jorzyk

    The systemic constellation method follows the principles of non-intentionality, appreciation and respect for the client's self-determination. Instead of pursuing their own ideas of change, constellation facilitators accompany the constellation process without a preconceived image.

    Thomas Jorzyk

At a glance


  • Dr. Andrea Berreth, course manager, systemic consultant/coach and systemic constellator (Infosyon-Professional), Berlin
  • Thomas Jorzyk, graduate social pedagogue, systemic consultant/therapist and systemic constellator-SySt ?
  • Prof. Dr. Heiko Kleve, Chair at the Witten Institute for Family Business

Participation requirements

  • Completed university degree/professional training and relevant professional experience

  • Certified additional methodological qualification (counseling, coaching, supervision, mediation, therapy or similar)

  • Proof of participation in systemic constellations of approx. 40 hrs. (e.g. participation in the workshop for systemic constellations)

  • Reflected own behavior in groups and the willingness to engage in self-awareness processes


  • Send us your certificates (overview of your professional career & qualifications) by e-mail.
  • We will check whether you fulfil the participation requirements and then send you the link to the registration form.


The introductory module provides information about the diverse roots of constellation work.
What all constellation formats have in common is the phenomenon of so-called representative perception and a specific attitude on the part of the facilitator (attentive and appreciative interaction with clients, resource and solution-orientation and the use of non-knowledge as a resource). This attitude is experienced and practised in Module 1. The starting point of each constellation is a solution- and resource-orientated preliminary interview in order to work out and discuss the client's tasks, expectations and goals and to clarify them as the central starting and focus point of each constellation.

Module 2 teaches constellation work techniques and thus provides the tools for leading your own constellations. The focus is on the following intervention techniques:

  • Constellation work
  • Process work
    • Asking for differences
    • Working with solution sets
    • Working with the cataleptic hand
    • Carrying out tests
    • Inclusion of the excluded
    • Distinguishing what is mixed up
    • Return rituals

These intervention techniques are practised using constellation formats such as "constellation of the hidden topic", "problem constellation" and "solution constellation". We constellate both in plenary and in small groups. As a starting point for each constellation, the resource- and solution-orientated preliminary discussion is also presented, tested and practised.

In this module, the initial context of systemic constellation work is considered and intensively reflected on using various exercises and constellations: the family. In family-orientated systemic structural constellations, the aim is to look at relevant problems and symptoms against the background of the family biography. The focus is particularly on multi-generational patterns in families and loyalty ties between family members. Ancestral lines across several generations can be considered, utilised as strengthening resources and problematic mixtures can be separated.

Module A3 also uses the family system to look at the significance of the basic systemic assumptions and meta-principles for our lives. It becomes clear that the family is a system that is atypical for (post-)modern society, but has particularly strong ties that can connect us with the primordial social dynamics of clans and tribes. This makes it possible to experience how important it is to reflect on the frequent merging of family dynamics with team and organisational dynamics and to implement separation interventions in this regard.

Constellation forms and interventions:

  • Family-orientated systemic structural constellations
  • Family structure constellation
  • Structural level change
  • Systematic ambiguous constellation
  • Inclusion of the hidden
  • Separating what is mixed up

Systemic constellations have also proven to be a highly effective tool in counselling companies. They are used in the areas of organisational consulting, coaching, supervision and mediation to great effect and reveal sustainable solutions. Organisational constellations place special demands on the constellation facilitator: Organisational issues harbour the risk of an "implicit structural level change" and require "systemically ambiguous work". The client's desire for discretion often makes "covert work" necessary in a group setting. In an individual setting, constellations with figures or "ground anchors" must be mastered.


  • Basic principles for system preservation according to Sparrer and Varga von Kibéd
  • Implicit and explicit structural level change
  • Systemically ambiguous work
  • Concealed and partially concealed work
  • Principles of arrangement

Forms of constellation

  • Tetralemma constellation in organisational contexts
  • organisational constellations
  • Constellations in business families
  • Constellations with floor anchors

In our (post-)modern society, a high degree of flexibility and mobility in social, behavioural and moral terms is demanded in various private and professional contexts. We are often faced with situations that are new, in which we have to make decisions and which transcend our previous life experiences. In this module, systemic structural constellations are used to reflect on personal development issues and move forward step by step. This can involve inner conflicts regarding decision-making situations, the search for powerful beliefs for challenging private and professional issues or new, resource-orientated approaches to one's own (family) history.

In order to strengthen the personality, the constellations in this block involve interventions that aim to integrate the often unconscious self and its potential into the consciousness of the ego. This approach (self-integration constellations) has been developed and applied in recent years, in particular by the psychiatrist Dr. Ernst Robert Langlotz, the psychotherapist Siegfried Essen and the philosopher Dr. Holm von Egidy. These have a particularly profound effect and lead to the experience of completing the personality through the (re)connection of ego and self and thus being able to take certain developmental steps. The concepts of boundaries and personal spaceare also introduced.

The focus of these two 2-day practical blocks is on leading your own constellation in order to demonstrate what you have learnt. The participants' professional or private issues and cases are constellated. The facilitators receive constructive feedback from the lecturers of the training programme and the other participants.

The focus of these two 2-day practical blocks is on leading your own constellation in order to demonstrate what you have learnt. The participants' professional or private issues and cases are constellated. The facilitators receive constructive feedback from the lecturers of the training programme and the other participants.

This final module offers time to integrate what you have learnt so far and to reflect on your own role as a potential future constellation facilitator. Where do I feel confident, what topics do I still need support with?
Participants receive personal feedback on their final written assignments and are presented with their certificates/certificates of participation.

Registration & Information

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