This advanced course on the systemic-constructivist approach to constellation work focuses on deepening your knowledge of supervision constellations, prototypical structural constellations and tetralemma constellations. Practical methods are taught over four modules to expand your skills as a coach, counsellor or manager. The aim is to enable you to deal flexibly and creatively with different systems, teams and decision-making situations in your professional practice.

3 ECTS credits
Completed university degree/training + professional experience, additional methodological qualification + systemic qualification
Recognised in Brandenburg and Berlin
At a glance
Like the Systemic Constellations certificate course, this advanced training course is based on a systemic-constructivist approach and is based on the "Systemic Structural Constellation" developed by Prof. Dr. Matthias Varga von Kibéd and Insa Sparrer (Dipl.-Psych.). In three modules of two days each, the aim is to deepen the work with systemic constellations in a supervisory context as well as the work with teams and in organisations. At the same time, the role of the coach, counsellor or manager is examined and the person's ability to act is strengthened. The intensive exploration of these innovative methods enables a versatile and effective approach.
Participation requirements
The training is aimed at people who are already familiar with the theory and practice of the Systemic Constellation method and now want to practise its application in greater depth. The skills must be proven. Send us your supporting documents (overview of your professional career and qualifications) by e-mail. We will check whether you fulfil the requirements and then send you the link to the application form:
- completed university degree/professional training and relevant professional experience
- certified additional methodological qualification (counselling, coaching, supervision, mediation, therapy or similar)
- proof of a qualification in systemic constellations totalling at least 100 units required
- in-depth application of supervision constellations in counselling situations
- development of skills for solving supervisory challenges in your own counselling practice
- practical exercises on the three subtypes of supervision constellations
- application of prototypical structural constellations (PTA) as a tool for integrating new team members, in conflict management and in the promotion of creative ideas
- strengthening leadership skills in diversity by dealing with specific situations in teams and organisations
- teaching and applying the tetralemma format for decision-making situations and developing solutions
- promoting a deeper understanding of the tetralemma format and comprehensive reflection on its possible applications
- practical use of the solution geometric interview according to Insa Sparrer to enrich your own counselling skills
- Dr. Andrea Berreth, course leader, systemic consultant/coach and systemic constellator (Infosyon-Professional), Berlin
- Thomas Jorzyk, qualified social pedagogue, systemic counsellor/therapist and systemic constellation therapist ?
Modules & contents
Registration & Information
ZEW – Further Education Unit
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