Certificate Programme "Fan- und Zuschauermanagement" (FZM)
The aim of the certificate programme is to provide scientific, conceptual, strategic and action-oriented skills for managerial, planning, coordinating and evaluating activities in the field of fan and spectator management.

The certificate course "Fan- und Zuschauermanagement (FZM) is offered in cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the University of Kassel and the German Football League. The training aims to prepare current knowledge in an exemplary and in-depth manner and to teach the ability to apply it to known and new problems. In addition, competences for cooperation in the network related to the field of work will be imparted.
Who can participate?
The target group is fan representatives of Bundesliga, 2nd Bundesliga and 3rd Liga football clubs, staff from fan projects and associations. Admission to the certificate course requires full-time employment.
Start and duration of the course
The 4th round of the certificate course begins in June 2024 and ends in May 2026.
Scope, organisation and teaching methods
The certificate programme comprises 9 modules with attendance blocks of 2 - 4 days. The main venues will be Potsdam and Kassel. It is organised as an in-service blended learning course. All modules combine internet-based distance learning and classroom components, which are offered in the form of classroom teaching (theories related to the field of work, practical tasks, collegial project counselling), online teaching (online study material, online coaching, internet-based learning portal) and project work.
Scientific management of the certificate programme
Prof. Dr. Werner Steffan (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam)
Prof. Dr. Heidi M?ller (University of Kassel)
Module responsibility and module overview
Recognised university lecturers are responsible for the modules. They are responsible for selecting further experts from universities and non-university training, further education and advisory institutions for sociological and psychological teaching content, for legal issues, for management and leadership issues and for competences in professional communication.
Module 1: Fans and Fan Cultures
Module 2: Fan support as a professional field of activity
Module 3: Project module
Module 4: Open in-depth module
Module 5: Law, Safety and Prevention
Module 6: Communication and Conversation – Network Analysis and Design
Module 7: Leading – Managing – Controlling
Module 8: Meeting conflicts professionally
Module 9: Concluding colloquium
Attendance dates
The dates for attendance are determined in close consultation with the DFL on the basis of the Bundesliga and 2nd Bundesliga calendar. The following attendance dates have been scheduled so far:
- June 05 - 07, 2024 in Kassel
- September 02 - 04, 2024 in Potsdam
- October 07 - 09, 2024 in Potsdam
- December 09 - 11, 2024 in Potsdam
- March 17 - 19, 2025 in Kassel
- June 02 - 04, 2025 in Kassel
- September 01 - 03, 2025 in Kassel
- November 10 - 12, 2025 in Kassel
- January 19 - 20, 2026 in Potsdam
The final dates will be fixed immediately after the framework schedules for the 2025/26 season have been adopted in close consultation with the DFL. All dates mentioned are subject to the current permissibility of events in compliance with the respective official regulations and the regulations for holding events at the respective universities. Any necessary postponements will be communicated to the participants directly and in a timely manner.
Completion and costs
After successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate with the qualification "Fan- und Zuschauermanagement". The costs per participant amount to 9,750.00 euros and are to be paid to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam before the start of the course.
Central management of the certificate programme FZM
Certificate Programme FZM Organisation Kassel
University of Kassel
Dr. Martin Seip
Phone +49 561 8042973
E-mail: martin.seip (at) uni-kassel.de
Project management
- Prof. Dr Werner Steffan, FH Potsdam
- Prof. Dr. Heidi M?ller, University of Kassel