The FHP Mobil presented THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN for the Environmental Festival 2024
The FHP Mobile became a cinema and showed animated, illustrative infographics on political communication at the Environmental Festival 2024.
For the first time, the FHP Mobil was transformed into a small cinema at the Environmental Festival 2024, complete with heavy curtains and a large screen. Animated, illustrative infographics from the seminar THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN were presented in Volkspark Potsdam, in front of the Biosph?re.
"The Times they are a-changin" is a project by students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam under the direction of Prof. Lisa Bucher and Prof. Klaus Dufke. To mark the major election year 2024 in Brandenburg, the students looked at topics they had chosen themselves from the field of political communication and presented them in the form of animated infographics. In the seminar, the students not only dealt with the technical implementation but also with the various content-related challenges for the design of political content.
In interviews and discussions with political organisations and role models from the design sector, the students developed their own attitude and a feeling for which form of communication and approach seems suitable for which content and which could best convey their own political message.
The works are part of the #Demokratie! themed semester 2024 for the exhibition "MitStimmen, AbStimmen, BeStimmen." and were shown in parallel at the Brandenburg State Centre for Political Education. For the environmental festival, we borrowed the digital video tapes for a day and installed them in the FHP Mobil.
On this page, you can still view the resulting works afterwards.